
On lean camels I saw their herd before sunrise,

ومرد على جرد شهدت طرادها

1. On lean camels I saw their herd before sunrise,
Or when the clouds began to drizzle lightly,

١. وَمُردٍ على جُردٍ شَهِدتُ طِرادَها
قُبَيلَ طُلوعِ الشمسِ أو حينَ ذَرَّتِ

2. Their morning brightness shone white, dazzling to the eyes,
When gazed upon, the eyes would blink repeatedly.

٢. صَبَحتُهُمُ بيضاءَ يَبرُقُ بَيضُها
إذا نظرت فيها العيونُ ازمَهَرَّتِ

3. And when I saw the horses, they were like streams
Of crops unleashed, spreading far and wide.

٣. ولمّا رأيت الخيلَ زُوراً كَأَنَّها
جَداولُ زَرعٍ أُرسِلَت فاسبَطَرَّتِ

4. Then for the first time, desire surged within my soul,
And it recoiled from its disdain, now satisfied.

٤. فَجَاشت إِليَّ النفسُ أوَّلَ مرّةٍ
فَرُدَّت على مَكروهها فاستَقَرَّتِ

5. I called and from Zubayd came a band of warriors,
When they attacked, they came close and turned about.

٥. هَتَفتُ فجاءت من زُبَيدٍ عصابةٌ
إذا طَرَدَت فاءت قريباً فَكَرَّتِ

6. Why does my spear weigh heavy on my shoulder,
When I have not thrusted, though the horses bolted?

٦. عَلامَ تقولُ الرُمحُ يُثقِلُ عاتقي
إذا أنا لم أطعُن إذا الخيلُ كَرَّتِ

7. I hamstrung the mount of Durayd's son, both of them,
Yet my glory humbled me not in valor's throes.

٧. عَقَرتُ جوادَ ابني دُرَيدٍ كليهما
وما أَخَذَتني في الخُتونة عِزَّتي

8. May God avenge a sin whenever the day breaks,
And the faces of dogs bristled and glared.

٨. لحا اللَه جَرماً كلّما ذَرَّ شارقٌ
وُجوهَ كِلابٍ هارَشَت فازبأَرَّتِ

9. I was like a shield against the spears,
Battling for the sons of Jaram, who fled away.

٩. ظَلِلتُ كَأنّي للرماحِ دَرِيئةٌ
أُقاتِلُ عن أبناءِ جَرمٍ وفَرَّتِ

10. But Jaram's cleavage did not avail when both met,
Rather it was Jaram, in the fray, that wavered and fret.

١٠. فلم تُغنِ جَرمٌ نَهدَها إذ تَلاقَتا
ولكنَّ جَرماً في اللقاء ابذَعَرَّتِ

11. Had my people's spears given me voice,
I would have spoken, but the spears refrained.

١١. فلو أنَّ قومي أنطقتني رماحُهم
نَطَقتُ ولكنَّ الرماح أجَرَّتِ