
My darling said when she abandoned me,

تقول حليلتي لما قلتني

1. My darling said when she abandoned me,
"The curtains between my gloom and sorrow."

١. تقولُ حَليلتي لمّا قَلَتني
شَرائجُ بين كُدرِيٍ وجُونِ

2. I see her like a rising fog, spreading musk,
Ruining the meadows when she neglected me.

٢. تَراهُ كالثَّغامِ يُعَلُّ مِسكاً
يَسُوءُ الفالياتِ إِذا فَلَيني

3. Your beauty in your veil, O Um Amr,
Perfect and the one with the two fishhooks adorned me.

٣. فَزَينُكِ في شَريطِكِ أُمَّ عمروٍ
وسابغةٌ وذو النُونَينِ زَيني

4. If they hurried then raced swiftly,
With every fully armed one, you'd recognize my quality.

٤. فلو شَمَّرنَ ثم عَدَونَ رَهواً
بكلِّ مُدَجَّجٍ لَعَرَفتِ لَوني

5. When I say I have a debt,
By the stab of a knight I’d pay my debt.

٥. إِذا ما قلتُ إِنَّ عَلَيَّ دَيناً
بِطَعنةِ فارسٍ قَضَّيتُ دَيني

6. The jingling of the bridle on the head of a swift horse
Is dearer to me than for you to marry me.

٦. لَقَعقَعةُ اللِّجامِ برأسِ طِرفٍ
أَحَبُّ إِليَّ من أَن تَنكِحيني

7. I fear that if news descended upon us,
Galloping would find that you cannot carry me.

٧. أَخافُ إِذا هَبَطنَ بنا خَبَاراً
وَجَدَّ الركضُ أَن لا تحمليني

8. If not for my brothers and her children among them
I would have filled my right hand for her with those of Shutab.

٨. فلولا إِخوتي وَبَنيَّ منها
ملأتُ لها بذي شُطَبٍ يَميني