1. A friend to whom I gave no gifts
Yet gifts are for the noble ones
١. خليلٌ لم أَهَبهُ من قِلاهُ
ولكنَّ المواهبَ للكرامِ
2. A friend who never betrayed me, nor I him
That's how we are, without regrets or blame
٢. خَليلٌ لم أَخُنهُ ولم يَخُنّي
كذلك ما خِلالي أَو نِدامي
3. I held him dear, a noble of Quraysh
So he rejoiced, shunning the vile ones
٣. حَبَوتُ به كريماً من قريشٍ
فَسُرَّ به وَصِينَ عن اللئامِ
4. When with him I approached a tribe
His voice joined the wailers' in grief
٤. وكنتُ إذا نهضتُ به لقومٍ
تَجَاوَبَ صوتُ نَوحٍ بالتدامِ
5. With a swift horse that met his hands
And a sword that cut deep in the bones
٥. بِعُفروسٍ تُبادِرُهُ يَدَاهُ
وَصَمصامٍ يُصَمِّمُ في العِظامِ
6. And the generous gift of a noble mare
Her saddle adorned with arrows and spears
٦. وَمُهر كَريمةٍ في صَفحَتَيهِ
نَوَافذُ بالأَسنَّةِ وَالسِّهامِ
7. And the posture of one sitting tall in the saddle
His brow, his waist, all under his belt
٧. وَوَقعُ المشرَفيّ بِحاجِبَيهِ
وَجَبهَتِهِ وما تحتَ الحِزامِ
8. I sent him forth, guarded by a frown
On his shoulders, hating the vile ones
٨. أُقَدّمُهُ وَيَحميهِ عَبوسٌ
على أَكتادِهِ كُرهُ اللِّمامِ
9. There you'd have seen many a foe
And the onslaught of hosts, not weaklings
٩. هنالكَ لو لَقِيتَ قِرناً
وبُهمَةَ مَعشرٍ غَيرَ الكَهَامِ
10. Truly you protected the fragrant abode
Until it was ruled by the long-necked ostrich
١٠. لقد أَحمَيتَ ذاتَ الرَّوض حتى
تَرَبَّعَها أَدَاحِيُّ النَّعامِ
11. Amr leads the mares of Luza
To the sacred enclave, to Baram
١١. يُسَيِّرُ بينَ خَطمِ اللَّوذِ عمرو
فَلَوذِ القارَتَينِ إِلى بَرَامِ
12. So dawn's first light, pardon and forgive
And bestow your melodies and delight
١٢. فَصَفحِ حَبونَنٍ فَخَليفِ صُبحٍ
فَنَحلَ إِلى رَنينَ إِلى بَشَامِ