1. None but the son of Sulman is crowned a king
None but he girds the loins of the sultanate
١. منا تَوَّجَ المُلكُ إِلّا بِاِبنِ سَلمانِ
وَلا يَشُدُّ سِواهُ أَزرَ سُلطانِ
2. The wind tells not its resolves as it blows
Save the steeds when they race neck and neck
٢. ما الريحُ في سَيرِها تَحكي عَزائِمَهُ
إِلّا الجِيادُ إِذا جَدَّت بِأَقرانِ
3. Our island was once al-Andalus
Since you were born in it, it is Iraqain
٣. كانَت جَزيرَتُنا مِن قُبلُ أَندَلُساً
فَمُذ نَشَأتَ بِها فَهِيَ العِراقانِ
4. We send you rhymes which are sweet
Like perfume gifted between two friends
٤. نُهدي إِلَيكَ القَوافي وَهِيَ طَيِّبَةٌ
كَالراحِ تُهدى زِفافاً بَينَ خِلّانِ
5. Why do the eyes of the charmer watch me
When I have leaned on you like an old column?
٥. ما لي تُلاحِظُني عَينُ الخُطوبِ وَقدَ
أَسنَدتُ مِنكَ إِلى رُكنٍ كَثَهَلانِ
6. How can one like me complain of scarcity
When your water sates every thirsty man?
٦. وَكَيفَ يَشكو الصَدى مِثلي عَلى مِقَتي
وَماؤُكَ الغَمرُ يَروي كُلَّ ظَمآنِ
7. Or how can a devil aspire to my horizon
When every devil is pelted from your heaven?
٧. أَم كَيفَ يَطمَحُ شَيطانٌ إِلى أُفُقي
وَمِن سَمائِكِ يُرمى كُلُّ شَيطانِ
8. Nay, how can a human wink his eyes at me
When you are my ample shield against all men?
٨. بَل كَيفَ يَغمِزُني إِنسانُ أَعيُنِهِم
وَأَنتَ لِيَ وَزرٌ مِن كُلِّ إِنسانِ
9. Awaken Abu Hasan to unravel what is difficult
Like a bride asleep in spirit and sweet basil.
٩. نَبِّه أَبا حَسَنٍ لِلمُعضلِاتِ وَنَم
نَومَ العَروسِ عَلى رَوحٍ وَرَيحانِ