
The days melt your heart into copper,

تفت فؤادك الأيام فتا

1. The days melt your heart into copper,
And the hours carve your body in sculpture,

١. تَفُتُّ فُؤادَكَ الأَيّامُ فَتّا
وَتَنحِتُ جِسمَكَ الساعاتُ نَحتا

2. Death calls you with a call of sincerity,
"O friend! It is you I want, you I need."

٢. وَتَدعوكَ المَنونُ دُعاءَ صِدقٍ
أَلا يا صاحِ أَنتَ أُريدُ أَنتا

3. I see you love a bride of betrayal,
The wise have refused to divorce her ever.

٣. أَراكَ تُحِبُّ عِرساً ذاتَ غَدرٍ
أَبَتَّ طَلاقَها الأَكياسُ بَتّا

4. You sleep a lifetime as she cheats,
Until you die, still asleep and unaware.

٤. تَنامُ الدَهرَ وَيحَكَ في غَطيطٍ
بِها حَتّى إِذا مِتَّ اِنتَبَهنا

5. How long will you be fooled, and how long
Will you not keep away from her forever?

٥. فَكَم ذا أَنتَ مَخدوعٌ وَحَتّى
مَتى لا تَرعَوي عَنها وَحَتّى

6. Abu Bakr, I called you - if only you’d answer -
To what is good for you, if you have reason.

٦. أَبا بَكرٍ دَعَوتُكَ لَو أَجَبتا
إِلى ما فيهِ حَظُّكَ إِن عَقَلتا

7. To knowledge that makes you a leader obeyed
When you forbid and when you command.

٧. إِلى عِلمٍ تَكونُ بِهِ إِماماً
مُطاعاً إِن نَهَيتَ وَإِن أَمَرتا

8. It clears your view of her lustful ways
And guides you to the path if you go astray.

٨. وَتَجلو ما بِعَينِكَ مِن عَشاها
وَتَهديكَ السَبيلَ إِذا ضَلَلتا

9. It brings you glory among your people
And clothes you in beauty if you're far away.

٩. وَتَحمِلُ مِنهُ في ناديكَ تاجاً
وَيَكسوكَ الجَمالَ إِذا اِغتَرَبتا

10. You benefit from it while alive
And its riches remain if you pass away.

١٠. يَنالُكَ نَفعُهُ مادُمتَ حَيّاً
وَيَبقى ذُخرُهُ لَكَ إِن ذَهَبتا

11. It's a sharp sword that hits its target,
When you wield it at an enemy in the fray.

١١. هُوَ العَضبُ المُهَنَّدُ لَيسَ يَنبو
تُصيبُ بِهِ مَقاتِلَ ضَرَبتا

12. A treasure safe from any thief,
Light to carry wherever you stray.

١٢. وَكَنزاً لا تَخافُ عَلَيهِ لِصّاً
خَفيفَ الحَملِ يوجَدُ حَيثُ كُنتا

13. It grows by spending lavishly
And shrinks if you hoard it and lock it away.

١٣. يَزيدُ بِكَثرَةِ الإِنفاقِ مِنهُ
وَينقُصُ أَن بِهِ كَفّاً شَدَدتا

14. If you had but tasted its sweetness
You would seek learning and always obey.

١٤. فَلَو قَد ذُقتَ مِن حَلواهُ طَعماً
لَآثَرتَ التَعَلُّمَ وَاِجتَهَدتا

15. No tempting beauty could distract you
Or worldly vanities lead you astray.

١٥. وَلَم يَشغَلَكَ عَنهُ هَوى مُطاعٌ
وَلا دُنيا بِزُخرُفِها فُتِنتا

16. No lovely garden could enthrall you,
No wine's drunkenness lead your mind astray.

١٦. وَلا أَلهاكَ عَنهُ أَنيقُ رَوضٍ
وَلا خِدرٌ بِرَبرَبِهِ كَلِفتا

17. The soul's nourishment is meanings' souls,
Not that you eat and drink night and day.

١٧. فَقوتُ الروحِ أَرواحُ المَعاني
وَلَيسَ بِأَن طَعِمتَ وَأِن شَرِبتا

18. So stick to it with diligence,
God may grant it if you always pray.

١٨. فَواظِبهُ وَخُذ بِالجِدِّ فيهِ
فَإِن أَعطاكَهُ اللَهُ أَخَذتا

19. If you gain great knowledge in it,
Though people say you have gone astray,

١٩. وَإِن أوتيتَ فيهِ طَويلَ باعٍ
وَقالَ الناسُ إِنَّكَ قَد سَبَقتا

20. Do not feel safe from God's questioning,
With rebuke - did you know and obey?

٢٠. فَلا تَأمَن سُؤالَ اللَهِ عَنهُ
بِتَوبيخٍ عَلِمتَ فَهَل عَمِلتا

21. The essence of knowledge is fearing God,
Not to say: I have gained the upper way.

٢١. فَرَأسُ العِلمِ تَقوى اللَهِ حَقّاً
وَلَيسَ بِأَن يُقال لَقَد رَأَستا

22. Rather clothe yourself in doing good,
Not seen doing evil night and day.

٢٢. وَضافي ثَوبِكَ الإِحسانُ لا أَن
تُرى ثَوبَ الإِساءَةِ قَد لَبِستا

23. If knowledge does not benefit you,
Better ignorant you stay.

٢٣. إِذا ما لَم يُفِدكَ العِلمُ خَيراً
فَخَيرٌ مِنهُ أَن لَو قَد جَهِلتا

24. And if your mind plunges into an abyss,
Would that you'd never thought or tried to sway!

٢٤. وَإِن أَلقاكَ فَهمُكَ في مَهاوٍ
فَلَيتَكَ ثُمَّ لَيتَكَ ما فَهِمتا

25. From inability's fruit you will reap ignorance,
Belittled, though great, in people's way.

٢٥. سَتَجني مِن ثِمارِ العَجزِ جَهلاً
وَتَصغُرُ في العُيونِ إِذا كَبُرتا

26. You'll be missed if ignorant, though alive,
Found if you know, when you've passed away.

٢٦. وَتُفقَدُ إِن جَهِلتَ وَأَنتَ باقٍ
وَتوجَدُ إِن عَلِمتَ وَقَد فُقِدتا

27. And my words you will remember later,
Envying them when from them you did stray.

٢٧. وَتَذكُرُ قَولَتي لَكَ بَعدَ حينٍ
وَتَغبِطُها إِذا عَنها شُغِلتا

28. You will bite your hand in regret,
But regret won't help when you rue the day.

٢٨. لَسَوفَ تَعَضُّ مِن نَدَمٍ عَلَيها
وَما تُغني النَدامَةُ إِن نَدِمتا

29. When you see your friends elevated above,
While you below them have fallen away,

٢٩. إِذا أَبصَرتَ صَحبَكَ في سَماءٍ
قَد اِرتَفَعوا عَلَيكَ وَقَد سَفَلتا

30. Return to them and leave foolishness;
Slowly you will not regain the way.

٣٠. فَراجِعها وَدَع عَنكَ الهُوَينى
فَما بِالبُطءِ تُدرِكُ ما طَلَبتا

31. Do not care for your money, turn from it,
Only what you know is money, I say.

٣١. وَلا تَحفِل بِمالِكَ وَاِلهُ عَنهُ
فَلَيسَ المالُ إِلّا ما عَلِمتا

32. An ignorant man has no standing among people,
Even if Iraq's kingdom to him made its way.

٣٢. وَلَيسَ لِجاهِلٍ في الناسِ مَعنىً
وَلَو مُلكُ العِراقِ لَهُ تَأَتّى

33. Your knowledge will speak well of you in gatherings,
And of you be written, on Resurrection Day.

٣٣. سَيَنطِقُ عَنكَ عِلمُكَ في نَدِيٍّ
وَيُكتَبُ عَنكَ يَوماً إِن كَتَبتا

34. Building monuments won't benefit you
If you've ruined your soul and gone astray.

٣٤. وَما يُغنيكَ تَشيِيدُ المَباني
إِذا بِالجَهلِ نَفسَكَ قَد هَدَمتا

35. You've made wealth above knowledge, wrongfully!
By God, in this matter, justice gave way.

٣٥. جَعَلتَ المالَ فَوقَ العِلمِ جَهلاً
لَعَمرُكَ في القَضيَّةِ ماعَدَلتا

36. Between them the Scripture shows a gulf,
You'll know, if you read Qur'an and obey.

٣٦. وَبَينَهُما بِنَصِّ الوَحيِ بَونٌ
سَتَعلَمُهُ إِذا طَهَ قَرَأتا

37. If the wealthy raise a banner of riches,
You raise your banner of knowledge, I say.

٣٧. لَئِن رَفَعَ الغَنيُّ لِواءَ مالٍ
لَأَنتَ لِواءَ عِلمِكَ قَد رَفَعتا

38. And if the wealthy sit atop cushions,
You upon the stars have found your place to stay.

٣٨. وَإِن جَلَسَ الغَنيُّ عَلى الحَشايا
لَأَنتَ عَلى الكَواكِبِ قَد جَلَستا

39. If they ride thoroughbred horses,
You ride the paths of Godliness, I say.

٣٩. وَإِن رَكِبَ الجِيادَ مُسَوَّماتٍ
لَأَنتَ مَناهِجَ التَقوى رَكِبتا

40. And however many blooms of beauty they reap,
How many wisdoms' buds will you pick away!

٤٠. وَمَهما اِفتَضَّ أَبكارَ الغَواني
فَكَم بِكرٍ مِنَ الحِكَمِ اِفتَضَضتا

41. Poverty will not harm you at all
If you've known your Lord in night and day.

٤١. وَلَيسَ يَضُرُّكَ الإِقتارُ شَيئاً
إِذا ما أَنتَ رَبَّكَ قَد عَرَفتا

42. With Him you have no grace
If you disobey and go your own way.

٤٢. فَما عِندَهُ لَكَ مِن جَميلٍ
إِذا بِفِناءِ طاعَتِهِ أَنَختا

43. So accept my good advice wholeheartedly,
If you reject it you will go astray.

٤٣. فَقابِل بِالقَبولِ صَحيحَ نُصحي
فَإِن أَعرَضتَ عَنهُ فَقَد خَسِرتا

44. And if you observe it in word and deed,
Trading with God, you have gained the day.

٤٤. وَإِن راعَيتَهُ قَولاً وَفِعلاً
وَتاجَرتَ الإِلَهَ بِهِ رَبِحتا

45. This world is nothing,
Whether it brings you bliss or dismay,

٤٥. فَلَيسَت هَذِهِ الدُنيا بِشَيءٍ
تَسوؤُكَ حُقبَةً وَتَسُرُّ وَقتا

46. Its limit, if you think on it,
Is like your nap or dream by day.

٤٦. وَغايَتُها إِذا فَكَرَّت فيها
كَفَيئِكَ أَو كَحُلمِكَ إِن حَلَمتا

47. You're imprisoned in it, loving it,
How can you love what imprisons you astray!

٤٧. سُجِنتَ بِها وَأَنتَ لَها مُحِبٌّ
فَكَيفَ تُحِبُّ ما فيهِ سُجِنتا

48. It feeds you food, and before long,
It will feed on you, from what you fed the way.

٤٨. وَتُطعِمُكَ الطَعامَ وَعَن قَريبٍ
سَتَطعَمُ مِنكَ ما مِنها طَعِمتا

49. It strips you bare if you wear its clothes,
And clothes you if you take its clothes away.

٤٩. وَتَعرى إِن لَبِستَ لَها ثِياباً
وَتُكسى إِن مَلابِسَها خَلَعتا

50. Each day you witness a friend's burial,
As if you will remain and not decay!

٥٠. وَتَشهَدُ كُلَّ يَومٍ دَفنَ خِلٍّ
كَأَنَّكَ لا تُرادُ بِما شَهِدتا

51. You weren't created to build it up
But to pass through it - be earnest in your way.

٥١. وَلَم تُخلَق لِتَعمُرها وَلَكِن
لِتَعبُرَها فَجِدَّ لِما خُلِقتا

52. And if it crumbles, make it crumble more,
And fortify your faith, while yet you may.

٥٢. وَإِن هُدِمَت فَزِدها أَنتَ هَدماً
وَحَصِّن أَمرَ دينِكَ ما اِستَطَعتا

53. Do not grieve over what from it is gone,
If at the end you've gained the day.

٥٣. وَلا تَحزَن عَلى ما فاتَ مِنها
إِذا ما أَنتَ في أُخراكَ فُزتا

54. No use in what you gained that fades,
If robbed of what remains and always stays.

٥٤. فَلَيسَ بِنافِعٍ ما نِلتَ فيها
مِنَ الفاني إِذا الباقي حُرِمتا

55. Do not laugh foolishly with fools,
For you will cry if you laugh the way they sway.

٥٥. وَلا تَضحَك مَعَ السُفَهاءِ لَهواً
فَإِنَّكَ سَوفَ تَبكي إِن ضَحِكتا

56. How can you feel joy while you are hostage,
Not knowing if you'll ransom pay or stay?

٥٦. وَكَيفَ لَكَ السُرورُ وَأَنتَ رَهنٌ
وَلا تَدري أَتُفدى أَم غَلِقتا

57. So pray your Lord for success in it,
Be sincere to Him if you pray.

٥٧. وَسَل مِن رَبِّكَ التَوفيقَ فيها
وَأَخلِص في السُؤالِ إِذا سَأَلتا

58. And call, when bowing down to Him confessing
What Dhu al-Nun called and Matta's son oft said.

٥٨. وَنادِ إِذا سَجَدتَ لَهُ اِعتِرافاً
بِما ناداهُ ذو النونِ بنُ مَتّى

59. Frequent His door, hoping if you knock
He may open up, if you but sway.

٥٩. وَلازِم بابَهُ قَرعاً عَساهُ
سَيفتَحُ بابَهُ لَكَ إِن قَرَعتا

60. Remember Him frequently while here,
That you'll be mentioned in heaven, when you stray.

٦٠. وَأَكثِر ذِكرَهُ في الأَرضِ دَأباً
لِتُذكَرَ في السَماءِ إِذا ذَكَرتا

61. Say not: "I have time yet as youth,"
Consider how many young in grave decay.

٦١. وَلا تَقُل الصِبا فيهِ مَجالٌ
وَفَكِّر كَم صَغيرٍ قَد دَفَنتا

62. With youth, you were better guided,
How can you, after graying, go astray?

٦٢. وَقُل لي يا نَصيحُ لَأَنتَ أَولى
بِنُصحِكَ لَو بِعَقلِكَ قَد نَظَرتا

63. As you have sailed until you drowned midway.
I have not drunk wine, mother of disgrace,

٦٣. تُقَطِّعُني عَلى التَفريطِ لَوماً
وَبِالتَفريطِ دَهرَكَ قَد قَطَعتا

64. As you have, till you were drunk in every way.
I have not set foot in an unjust land,

٦٤. وَفي صِغَري تُخَوِّفُني المَنايا
وَما تَجري بِبالِكَ حينَ شِختا

65. While you went in and became dazed astray.
I was not born in a time of benefit,

٦٥. وَكُنتَ مَعَ الصِبا أَهدى سَبيلاً
فَما لَكَ بَعدَ شَيبِكَ قَد نُكِستا

66. While you were, and did not benefit your day.
You accompanied great leaders,

٦٦. وَها أَنا لَم أَخُض بَحرَ الخَطايا
كَما قَد خُضتَهُ حَتّى غَرِقتا

67. But I don't see you following their way.
The Book called you but you did not respond,

٦٧. وَلَم أَشرَب حُمَيّاً أُمِّ دَفرٍ
وَأَنتَ شَرِبتَها حَتّى سَكِرتا

68. Old age advised you but you did not sway.
A young man acting foolishly is ugly,

٦٨. وَلَم أَحلُل بِوادٍ فيهِ ظُلمٌ
وَأَنتَ حَلَلتَ فيهِ وَاِنهَمَلتا

69. But uglier, an old man gone astray.
You are more deserving of my rebuke

٦٩. وَلَم أَنشَأ بِعَصرٍ فيهِ نَفعٌ
وَأَنتَ نَشَأتَ فيهِ وَما اِنتَفَعتا

70. If the wrongdoer stayed silent, I'd not say.
But blame yourself, no other,

٧٠. وَقَد صاحَبتَ أَعلاماً كِباراً
وَلَم أَرَكَ اِقتَدَيتَ بِمَن صَحِبتا

71. For a fault making it the target of your prey.
If your tears flowed in fear

٧١. وَناداكَ الكِتابُ فَلَم تُجِبهُ
وَنَهنَهَكَ المَشيبُ فَما اِنتَبَهتا

72. Of your sins, I'd not say: you are safe today.
Who can guarantee you safety when you are

٧٢. لَيَقبُحُ بِالفَتى فِعلُ التَصابي
وَأَقبَحُ مِنهُ شَيخٌ قَد تَفَتّى

73. A slave, ordered but not obeying the way?
Heavy with sins yet fearing not

٧٣. فَأَنتَ أَحَقُّ بِالتَفنيدِ مِنّي
وَلو سَكَتَ المُسيءُ لَما نَطَقتا

74. Meeting God, in your ignorance, you stray.
You pity the insistent sinner

٧٤. وَنَفسَكَ ذُمَّ لا تَذمُم سِواها
بِعَيبٍ فَهِيَ أَجدَرُ مَن ذَمَمتا

75. And have mercy on him, but not your way.
You turned back and wandered blindly,

٧٥. فَلَو بَكَت الدَما عَيناكَ خَوفاً
لِذَنبِكَ لَم أَقُل لَكَ قَد أَمِنتا

76. By your life, if you reached the path you would not stray.
If you met your Lord without a sin

٧٦. وَمَن لَكَ بِالأَمانِ وَأَنتَ عَبدٌ
أُمِرتَ فَما اِئتَمَرتَ وَلا أَطَعتا

77. And He examined you, you would die midway.
He wrongs you not in any deed, but

٧٧. ثَقُلتَ مِنَ الذُنوبِ وَلَستَ تَخشى
لِجَهلِكَ أَن تَخِفَّ إِذا وُزِنتا

78. It's hard to stand up with all you did and said.
If you came on Judgement Day alone

٧٨. وَتُشفِقُ لِلمُصِرِّ عَلى المَعاصي
وَتَرحَمُهُ وَنَفسَكَ ما رَحِمتا

79. And saw the different ranks displayed,
You'd wish the greatest regret and ardour

٧٩. رَجَعتَ القَهقَرى وَخَبَطتَ عَشوا
لَعَمرُكَ لَو وَصَلتَ لَما رَجَعتا

80. For what in life you missed and went astray.
You shun hot deserts, avoiding them,

٨٠. وَلَو وافَيتَ رَبَّكَ دونَ ذَنبٍ
وَناقَشَكَ الحِسابَ إِذاً هَلَكتا

81. But do you flee from Hell and run away?
You cannot endure its lightest torment,

٨١. وَلَم يَظلُمكَ في عَمَلٍ وَلَكِن
عَسيرٌ أَن تَقومَ بِما حَمَلتا

82. Even if you were made of iron, you would melt away.
So do not deny, the matter is serious,

٨٢. وَلَو قَد جِئتَ يَومَ الفَصلِ فَرداً
وَأَبصَرتَ المَنازِلَ فيهِ شَتّى

83. Not as you thought or fancied in your way.
Abu Bakr, you've uncovered my slightest vice

٨٣. لَأَعظَمتَ النَدامَةَ فيهِ لَهَفاً
عَلى ما في حَياتِكَ قَد أَضَعتا

84. And most of it, its bulk, you did not display.
Say what you will of my disgrace,

٨٤. تَفِرُّ مِنَ الهَجيرِ وَتَتَّقيهِ
فَهَلّا عَن جَهَنَّمَ قَد فَرَرتا

85. Double it! For you spoke truth in all you say.
However much you chide me, because you know

٨٥. وَلَستَ تُطيقُ أَهوَنَها عَذاباً
وَلَو كُنتَ الحَديدَ بِها لَذُبتا

86. My inner state, it's as if you gave me praise.
Do not approve of vice, it is ugly,

٨٦. فَلا تُكذَب فَإِنَّ الأَمرَ جِدٌّ
وَلَيسَ كَما اِحتَسَبتَ وَلا ظَنَنتا

87. Greatly disgraced, making people scorn your way.
It debases the noble among men

٨٧. أَبا بَكرٍ كَشَفتَ أَقَلَّ عَيبي
وَأَكثَرَهُ وَمُعظَمَهُ سَتَرتا

88. And places the lofty person low in every way.
While virtues make you don pearls

٨٨. فَقُل ما شِئتَ فيَّ مِنَ المَخازي
وَضاعِفها فَإِنَّكَ قَد صَدَقتا

89. And feel close, even if you are far away.
In life, it spreads your goodness about you,

٨٩. وَمَهما عِبتَني فَلِفَرطِ عِلمي
بِباطِنَتي كَأَنَّكَ قَد مَدَحتا

90. So you reap kindness wherever you did stray.
You walk life's arena generously

٩٠. فَلا تَرضَ المَعايِبَ فَهِيَ عارٌ
عَظيمٌ يُورِثُ الإِنسانَ مَقتا

91. And gain praise for all the seeds you did plant and spray.
While now, you have no known disgrace,

٩١. وَتَهوي بِالوَجيهِ مِنَ الثُرَيّا
وَتُبدِلُهُ مَكانَ الفَوقِ تَحتا

92. Nor have you stained your clothes since your first day.
You have not been first in any cheating race,

٩٢. كَما الطاعاتُ تَنعَلُكَ الدَراري
وَتَجعَلُكَ القَريبَ وَإِن بَعُدتا

93. Nor placed in it, nor thrown dust in its way.
But if you do not avoid it altogether,

٩٣. وَتَنشُرُ عَنكَ في الدُنيا جَميلاً
فَتُلفى البَرَّ فيها حَيثُ كُنتا

94. You will be mired completely in its clay.
Who then can save you once you're stuck?

٩٤. وَتَمشي في مَناكِبَها كَريماً
وَتَجني الحَمدَ مِمّا قَد غَرَستا

95. All that you purified will pass away.
You'll be a prisoner of your sin, in shackles,

٩٥. وَأَنتَ الآن لَم تُعرَف بِعابٍ
وَلا دَنَّستَ ثَوبَكَ مُذ نَشَأتا

96. How can you free yourself, when led astray?
You will fear your fellow man and shun him

٩٦. وَلا سابَقتَ في ميدانِ زورٍ
وَلا أَوضَعتَ فيهِ وَلا خَبَبتا

97. As you'd fear a snake or scorpion in your way.
Deal with them and avoid them cautiously,

٩٧. فَإِن لَم تَنأَ عَنهُ نَشِبتَ فيهِ
وَمَن لَكَ بِالخَلاصِ إِذا نَشِبتا

98. Behave as a Samaritan behaved, I say.
If they are ignorant to you, say only "Peace,"

٩٨. وَدَنَّسَ ما تَطَهَّرَ مِنكَ حَتّى
كأَنَّكَ قَبلَ ذَلِكَ ما طَهُرتا

99. Perhaps you may find safety if you obey.
Who can guarantee you safety in an age

٩٩. وَصِرتَ أَسيرَ ذَنبِكَ في وَثاقٍ
وَكَيفَ لَكَ الفُكاكُ وَقَد أُسِرتا

100. When none are safe unless God keeps at bay?
Do not stay where injustice makes

١٠٠. وَخَف أَبناء جِنسِكَ وَاِخشَ مِنهُم
كَما تَخشى الضَراغِمَ وَالسَبَنتى

101. Hearts die, unless you wish to be bound and shackled.
Seek the East or West if your fortune rises,

١٠١. وَخالِطهُم وَزايلهُم حِذاراً
وَكُن كالسامِريَّ إِذا لَمِستا

102. The stranger finds provision along the way.
Even if over the ruler you'd be honored,

١٠٢. وَإِن جَهِلوا عَلَيكَ فَقُل سَلاماً
لَعَلَّكَ سَوفَ تَسلَمُ إِن فَعَلتا

103. You would be if you yourself walked the way.
And if you shun it and leave it

١٠٣. وَمَن لَكَ بِالسَلامَةِ في زَمانٍ
يَنالُ العُصمَ إِلّا إِن عُصِمتا

104. For the Abode of Peace, then you're safe in every way.
But if you respect it and gaze on it

١٠٤. وَلا تَلَبَث بِحَيٍّ فيهِ ضَيمٌ
يُميتُ القَلبَ إِلا إِن كُبِّلتا

105. Reverently, then yourself you have debased in every way.
I have gathered advice for you, so follow it,

١٠٥. وَغَرِّب فَالغَريبُ لَهُ نَفاقٌ
وَشَرِّق إِن بَريقَكَ قَد شَرِقتا

106. The best your life if you follow the way it says.
I prolonged reproach and increased it

١٠٦. وَلَو فَوقَ الأَميرِ تَكونُ فيها
سُمُوّاً وَاِفتِخاراً كُنتَ أَنتا

107. Since in laziness you have delayed your day.
Do not take my shortcomings and lapses,

١٠٧. وَإِن فَرَّقتَها وَخَرَجتَ مِنها
إِلى دارِ السَلامِ فَقدَ سَلِمتا

108. But take my advice for you if you can find your way.
I've appended six verses, goodly,

١٠٨. وَإِن كَرَّمتَها وَنَظَرتَ مِنها
بِإِجلالٍ فَنَفسَكَ قَد أَهَنتا

109. To the hundred and six that came before their way.

١٠٩. جَمَعتُ لَكَ النَصائِحَ فَاِمتَثِلها
حَياتَكَ فَهِيَ أَفضَلُ ما اِمتَثَلتا

١١٠. وَطَوَّلتُ العِتابَ وَزِدتُ فيهِ
لِأَنَّكَ في البَطالَةِ قَد أَطَلتا

١١١. فَلا تَأخُذ بِتَقصيري وَسَهوي
وَخُذ بِوَصِيَّتي لَكَ إِن رَشَدتا

١١٢. وَقَد أَردَفتُها سِتّاً حِساناً
وَكانَت قَبلَ ذا مِئَةً وَسِتّا