1. If I were among the brave in my religion,
I would not be known for my colors or idle.
١. لَو كُنتُ في ديني مِنَ الأَبطالِ
ما كُنتُ بِأَلواني وَلا البَطَّالِ
2. And I would have worn for the nation a loose garment,
Flowing, made of righteous deeds.
٢. وَلَبِستُ مِنهُ لَأمَةً فَضفاضَةً
مَسرودَةً مِن صالِحِ الأَعمالِ
3. But I disabled the bows of piety,
So it shot without arrows.
٣. لَكِنَّني عَطَّلتُ أَقواسَ التُقى
مِن نَبلِها فَرَمَت بِغَيرِ نِبالِ
4. And the enemy shot his arrow, hitting me
When I did not fortify a shield for the fight.
٤. وَرَمى العَدوُ بِسَهمِهِ فَأَصابَني
إِذ لَم أُحَصِّن جُنَّةً لِنِضالِ
5. So I am like one who faces the battalion unarmed
In dire straits, exposed to fighting.
٥. فَأَنا كَمَن يَلقى الكَتيبَةَ أَعزَلاً
في مَأزِقٍ مُتَعَرِّضاً لِنِزالِ
6. Were it not for hoping for pardon, I would be like the fading stars
Whose shining light is extinguished.
٦. لَولا رَجاءُ العَفوِ كُنتُ كَناقِعٍ
بَرحَ الغَليلِ بِرَشفِ لَمعِ الآلِ
7. My youth faded, so it is time for me to shepherd
If I had been admonished by the white hair of fading.
٧. شابَ القُذالُ فَآنَ لي أَن أَرعَوي
لَو كُنتُ مُتَّعِظاً بِشَيبِ قَذالِ
8. And if I had insight when it befell me,
I would have known that its occurrence is my departure.
٨. وَلَو أَنَّني مُستَبصِرٌ إِذ حَلَّ بي
لَعَلِمتُ أَنَّ حُلولَهُ تَرحالي
9. So I looked at provisions for the house of my stay,
And asked my Lord to restore my sanity.
٩. فَنَظَرتُ في زادٍ لِدارِ إِقامَتي
وَسَأَلتُ رَبّي أَن يَحُلَّ عِقالي
10. How often I intended to repent but was prevented
When I was not worthy of it and it was clear to me.
١٠. فَلَكَم هَمَمتُ بِتَوبَةٍ فَمُنِعتُها
إِذ لَم أَكُن أَهلاً لَها وَبَدا لي
11. And that is hard on me unless I
Am turning in the grasp of the Most High.
١١. وَيَعِزُّ ذاكَ عَلَيَّ إِلّا أَنَّني
مُتَقَلِّبٌ في قَبضَةِ المُتَعالي
12. And I reached a world that will soon sever my pursuits
By the setting of its stars and the waning of its crescent.
١٢. وَوَصَلتُ دُنيا سَوفَ تَقطَعُ شَأفَتي
بِأُفولِ أَنجُمِها وَخَسفِ هِلالي
13. It distracted its tempted people with its temptations,
And it is impossible to be preoccupied with the impossible.
١٣. شَغَلَت مُفَتَّنَ أَهلِها بِفُتونِها
وَمِنَ المُحالِ تَشاغُلٌ بِمُحالِ
14. Nothing loses a deal more than a scholar
Whose religion was played with by the ignorant.
١٤. لا شَيءَ أَخسَرُ صَفقَةً مِن عالِمٍ
لَعِبَت بِهِ الدُنيا مَعَ الجُهالِ
15. So he started distributing his religion by the hands of youths
And removing it greedily to gather money.
١٥. فَغَدا يُفَرِّقُ دينَهُ أَيدي سَبا
وَيُزيلُهُ حِرصاً لِجَمعِ المالِ
16. There is no good in illicit earnings and seldom
Is salvation hoped for by the earner of the lawful.
١٦. لا خَيرَ في كَسبِ الحَرامِ وَقَلَّما
يُرجى الخَلاصُ لِكاسِبٍ لِحَلالِ
17. When I heard of a family being scorched tomorrow
With fire, my forehead sweated with anxiety.
١٧. ما إِن سَمِعتُ بِعائِلٍ تُكوى غَداً
بِالنارِ جَبهَتُهُ عَلى الإِقلالِ
18. And if you want the truth of those who will be scorched by it
Then read the consequences of Surat Al-Anfal.
١٨. وَإِن أَرَدتَ صَحيحَ مَن يُكوى بِها
فَاِقرَأ عَقيبَةَ سورَةِ الأَنفالِ
19. The scale weighs down only by one
Whose shoulders have lightened from burdens.
١٩. ما يَثقُلُ الميزانُ إِلّا بِاِمرِئٍ
قَد خَفَّ كاهِلُهُ مِنَ الأَثقالِ
20. So take only enough and do not have surplus
For surplus, you will be asked all sorts of questions.
٢٠. فَخُذِ الكَفافَ وَلا تَكُن ذا فَضلَةٍ
فَالفَضلُ تُسأَلُ عَنهُ أَيَّ سُؤالِ
21. And leave luxury and fine garments to their people
And be content with coarse wool and the wearing of slippers.
٢١. وَدَعِ المَطارِفَ وَالمَطِيَّ لِأَهلِها
وَاِقنَع بِأَطمارٍ وَلُبسِ نِعالِ
22. For they and you, our poverty and their wealth,
Do not settle or last in any condition.
٢٢. فَهُمُ وَأَنتَ وَفَقرُنا وَغِناهُم
لا يَستَقِرُّ وَلا يَدومُ بِحالِ
23. And roam the countries that you may see the ruins of those
Who used to rule them, the heaviest of rulers.
٢٣. وَطُفِ البِلادَ لِكَي تَرى آثارَ مَن
قَد كانَ يَملِكُها مِنَ الأَقيالِ
24. The wind of demise blew them away and scattered them
Like the scattering of light particles of sand.
٢٤. عَصَفَت بِهِم ريحُ الرَدى فَذَرَتهُمُ
ذَروَ الرِياحِ الهَوجِ حِقفَ رِمالِ
25. And the pulpits shook them after they were firmly established
And they were atop them like mountains.
٢٥. وَتَزَلزَلَت بِهُمُ المَنابِرُ بَعدَ ما
ثَبَتَت وَكانوا فَوقَها كَجِبالِ
26. And restrain your imagination for an hour thinking of their length
And beware upon you from the calamities.
٢٦. وَاِحبِس قَلوصَكَ ساعَةً بِطُلولِهِم
وَاِحذَر عَلَيكَ بِها مِنَ الأَغوالِ
27. How many integrated and fine men were in them
And how much glory and beauty were in them.
٢٧. فَلَكَم بِها مِن أَرقَمٍ صِلٍّ وَكَم
قَد كانَ فيها مِن مَهاً وَغَزالِ
28. And how many of them have become ruins and deserted places
For war, brought by the father of cubs.
٢٨. وَلَكَم غَدَت مِنها وَراحَت حَلَبَةً
لِلحَربِ يَقدُمُها أَبو الأَشبالِ
29. Their ties were severed and torn apart
And they met what they had been like strung pearls.
٢٩. فَتَقَطَّعَت أَسبابُهُم وَتَمَزَّقَت
وَلَقَبلَ ما كانوا كَنَظمِ لَآَلِ
30. And when you come upon their graves, then ask them
About what horrors they met inside them.
٣٠. وَإِذا أَتَيتَ قُبورَهُم فَاِسأَلهُم
عَما لَقوا فيها مِنَ الأَهوالِ
31. They will inform you, if you understand their state,
With an expression like revelation, not speech.
٣١. فَسَيُخبِرونَكَ إِن فَهِمتَ بِحالِهِم
بِعِبارَةٍ كَالوَحيِ لا بِمَقالِ
32. “We are pawned here till the Day of Reward
For the crimes of words and deeds.
٣٢. إِنّا بِها رَهنٌ إِلى يَومِ الجَزا
بِجَرائِمِ الأَقوالِ وَالأَفعالِ
33. Whoever does not watch over his Lord and fear Him
His hands are twisted and he has no protector.”
٣٣. مَن لا يُراقِبُ رَبَّهُ وَيَخافُهُ
تَبَّت يَداهُ وَما لَهُ مِن والِ