1. O say to the Chief of the Tribe altogether,
The possessors of tents and lions of the den,
١. أَلا قُل لِصِنهاجَةٍ أَجمَعين
بُدورِ النَدِيَّ وَأُسدِ العَرين
2. Indeed, your master has slipped
With a slip that pleases the eyes of gloaters.
٢. لَقَد زَلَّ سَيِّدُكُم زَلَّةً
تَقِرُّ بِها أَعيُنُ الشامِتين
3. His scribe chose an infidel,
Although if he wished he could have chosen from the Muslims.
٣. تَخَيَّرَ كاتِبُهُ كافِراً
وَلَو شاءَ كانَ مِنَ المُسلِمين
4. So the Jews gained power through him, and chose
Their own and became of the most vile.
٤. فَعَزَّ اليَهودُ بِهِ وَاِنتَخَوا
وَتاهوا وَكانوا مِنَ الأَرذَلين
5. And they got their purpose and crossed the line,
So ruin is imminent though they are not aware.
٥. وَنالوا مُناهُم وَجازوا المَدى
فَحانَ الهَلاكُ وَما يَشعُرون
6. How many virtuous, devout Muslims
For the vilest ape of the polytheists!
٦. فَكَم مُسلِمٍ فاضِلٍ قانِتٍ
لِأَرذَلِ قِردٍ مِنَ المُشرِكين
7. This was not due to their effort,
But from us the helper arises.
٧. وَما كانَ ذَلِكَ مِن سَعيِهِم
وَلَكِنَّ مِنّا يَقومُ المُعين
8. Why didn’t he emulate the predecessors
Among the virtuous, God-fearing leaders?
٨. فَهَلّا اِقتَدى فيهُمُ بِالأُلى
مِنَ القادَةِ الخيرَةِ المُتَّقين
9. And place them where they deserve,
And return them to the lowest of the low.
٩. وَأَنزَلَهُم حَيثُ يَستاهِلونَ
وَرَدَّهُم أَسفَلَ السافِلين
10. They hovered around us to humiliate them -
Upon them are disgrace, humiliation and disdain.
١٠. وَطافوا لَدَينا بِإِخراجِهِم
عَلَيهِم صِغارٌ وَذُلٌّ وَهَون
11. And they yearned for colorful rags
For the garments of the base.
١١. وَقَمَّوا المَزابِلَ عَن خِرقَةٍ
مُلَوَّنَةٍ لِدِثارِ الدَفين
12. Nor did they scorn our flags
Nor tyrannize the righteous.
١٢. وَلَم يَستَخِفّوا بِأَعلامِنا
وَلَم يَستَطيلوا عَلى الصالِحين
13. Nor did they sit with them while they were defiant
Nor accompany them along with the relatives.
١٣. وَلا جالَسوهُم وَهُم هُجنَةٌ
وَلا واكَبوهُم مَعَ الأَقرَبين
14. Abidis, you are a wise man,
Your guess hits the mark of certainty.
١٤. أَباديسُ أَنتَ اِمرِؤٌ حاذِقٌ
تُصيبُ بِظَنِّكَ نَفسَ اليَقين
15. So how did their chiefs escape you
While generations are struck down on earth?
١٥. فَكَيفَ اِختَفَت عَنكَ أَعيانُهُم
وَفي الأَرضِ تُضرَبُ مِنها القُرون
16. And how can you love the chicks of fornication
When they hate you among both worlds?
١٦. وَكَيفَ تُحِبُّ فِراخَ الزِنا
وَهُم بَغَّضوكَ إِلى العالَمين
17. And how can ascent be fulfilled for you
When you build and they demolish?
١٧. وَكَيفَ يَتِمُّ لَكَ المُرتَقى
إِذا كُنتَ تَبني وَهُم يَهدِمون
18. And how can you rely on a sinner
And match him when he is despicable?
١٨. وَكَيفَ اِستَنَمتَ إِلى فاسِقٍ
وَقارَنتَهُ وَهُوَ بِيسَ القَرين
19. God has revealed in His revelation
Warning against the company of sinners.
١٩. وَقَد أَنزَلَ اللَهُ في وَحيِهِ
يُحَذِّرُ عَن صُحبَةِ الفاسِقين
20. So do not take any of them as a servant
And leave them to the curse of the cursers.
٢٠. فَلا تَتَّخِذ مِنهُمُ خادِماً
وَذَرهُم إِلى لَعنَةِ اللاعِنين
21. For the earth is deafened by their corruption
And almost swayed with all of us.
٢١. فَقَد ضَجَّتِ الأَرضُ مِن فِسقِهِم
وَكادَت تَميدُ بِنا أَجمَعين
22. Observe its regions with your eyes
You find them like dogs, disgraced in it.
٢٢. تَأَمَّل بِعَينَيكَ أَقطارَها
تَجِدهُم كِلاباً بِها خاسِئين
23. And how can you single out their proximity
When they are exiled in the lands?
٢٣. وَكَيفَ اِنفَرَدتَ بِتَقريبِهِم
وَهُم في البِلادِ مِنَ المُبعَدين
24. When you are the chosen King,
Descendant of kings, of the glorious.
٢٤. عَلَى أَنَّكَ المَلِكُ المُرتَضى
سَليلُ المُلوكِ مِنَ الماجِدين
25. And you have precedence among mankind
As you are of the foremost.
٢٥. وَأَنَّ لَكَ السَبقَ بَينَ الوَرى
كَما أَنتَ مِن جِلَّةِ السابِقين
26. I occupied Granada,
I saw them being reckless in it.
٢٦. وَإِنّي اِحتَلَلتُ بِغَرناطَةٍ
فَكُنتُ أَراهُم بِها عابِثين
27. They divided it and its dependencies -
In every place are eyes from them.
٢٧. وَقَد قَسَّموها وَأَعمالَها
فَمِنهُم بِكلِّ مَكانٍ لَعين
28. They collect its taxes,
Gobbling and gnawing.
٢٨. وَهُم يَقبِضونَ جِباياتِها
وَهُم يَخضِمون وَهُم يَقضِمون
29. They wear elegant clothes,
While you wear the lowest.
٢٩. وَهُم يَلبِسونَ رَفيعَ الكُسا
وَأَنتُم لِأَوضَعِها لابِسون
30. They are privy to your secrets -
How can a traitor be trusted?
٣٠. وَهُم أُمَناكُم عَلى سِرِّكُم
وَكَيفَ يَكونُ خَؤونٌ أَمين
31. And others eat a dirham,
Then are expelled, while they feast.
٣١. وَيَأكُلُ غَيرُهُم دِرهَماً
فَيُقصى وَيُدنَونَ إِذ يَأكُلون
32. They confronted you to your Lord,
Yet you do not forbid nor deny.
٣٢. وَقَد ناهَضوكُم إِلى رَبِّكُم
فَما تَمنَعونَ وَلا تَنكِرون
33. They have clothed you in their magic,
So you do not hear nor see.
٣٣. وَقد لابَسوكُم بِأَسحارِهِم
فَما تَسمَعونَ وَلا تُبصِرون
34. And they slaughter in its markets,
While you are eating its scraps.
٣٤. وَهُم يَذبَحونَ بِأَسواقِها
وَأَنتُم لِأَطرافِها آكِلون
35. Their ape widened his house,
And drew to it the pansy eyes.
٣٥. وَرَخَّمَ قِردُهُم دارَهُ
وَأَجرى إِلَيها نَميرَ العُيون
36. So our needs became through him,
While we stand at his door.
٣٦. فَصارَت حَوائِجُنا عِندَهُ
وَنَحنُ عَلى بابِهِ قائِمون
37. He ridicules us and our religion -
To our Lord we shall return.
٣٧. وَيَضحَكُ مِنّا وَمِن دينِنا
فَإِنّا إِلى رَبِّنا راجِعون
38. If you said his money was yours,
You would be of the truthful.
٣٨. وَلَو قُلتَ في مالِهِ إِنَّهُ
كَمالِكَ كُنتَ مِنَ الصادِقين
39. So hurry to slaughter him as an offering,
And sacrifice him, for he is a fat lamb.
٣٩. فَبادِر إِلى ذَبحِهِ قُربَةً
وَضَحِّ بِهِ فَهُوَ كَبشٌ سَمين
40. Do not lift the pressure off his ilk,
For they hoard every precious possession.
٤٠. وَلا تَرفَعِ الضَغطَ عَن رَهطِهِ
فَقَد كَنَزوا كُلَّ عِلقٍ ثَمين
41. Disperse their company and take their money,
For you have the greatest right to what they gather.
٤١. وَفَرِّق عِداهُم وَخُذ مالَهُم
فَأَنتَ أَحَقُّ بِما يَجمَعون
42. Do not think killing them is betrayal,
Rather betrayal is leaving them to wreak havoc.
٤٢. وَلا تَحسِبَن قَتلَهُم غَدرَةً
بَل الغَدرُ في تَركِهِم يَعبَثون
43. They broke their covenant with us,
So why would you be blamed for the breakers?
٤٣. وَقَد نَكَثوا عَهدَنا عِندَهُم
فَكَيفَ تُلامُ عَلى الناكِثين
44. And how can they have a pact
When we are submissive and they dominant?
٤٤. وَكَيفَ تَكونُ لَهُم ذِمَّةٌ
وَنَحنُ خُمولٌ وَهُم ظاهِرون
45. We are the humiliated among them,
As if we did wrong and they did good!
٤٥. وَنَحنُ الأَذِلَّةُ مِن بَينِهِم
كَأَنّا أَسَأنا وَهُم مُحسِنون
46. So do not accept their actions regarding us,
For you are hostage to what they do.
٤٦. فَلا تَرضَ فينا بِأَفعالِهِم
فَأَنتَ رَهينٌ بِما يَفعَلون
47. And watch your God regarding His party,
For the party of God - they are the victorious!
٤٧. وَراقِب إِلَهَكَ في حِزبِهِ
فَحِزبُ الإِلَهِ هُمُ الغالِبون