
You rebelled against your judge, so you were brought low,

رفعتم على قاضيكم فخفضتم

1. You rebelled against your judge, so you were brought low,
And you sought to shame him, so you were the ones shamed.

١. رَفَعتُم عَلى قاضيكُمُ فَخَفَضتُمُ
وَحاوَلتُمُ خِزياً لَهُ فَخَزيتُمُ

2. How long have you failed to prosper in his prosperity!
And even if he suffered, you would suffer too.

٢. وَطالَ لَعَمري ما سَعِدتُم بِسَعدِهِ
وَلَو أَنَّهُ يَشقى إِذَن لَشَقيتُمُ

3. He was but a shield for you, had you any sense,
But you have lost your wits, and can no longer see.

٣. وَما كانَ إِلّا سِترَكُم لَو عَقَلتُمُ
وَلَكِنَّكُم عَن رُشدِكُم قَد عَميتُمُ

4. So here he is, judging in spite of you,
Die raging if you will, and do as you desire!

٤. فَها هُوَ ذا يَقضي عَلى الرَغمِ مِنكُمُ
فَموتوا بِغَيظٍ وَاصنَعوا كَيفَ شيتُمُ

5. Scratch out lines in the dust with your fingers -
You'll never diminish him on high, try as you might!

٥. وَحُكّوا عَلى ظَهرِ الصَعيدِ سِتاهَكُم
فَلَن تَعشُروهُ في العُلى لَو خَريتُمُ