
Each person is judged according to their faith

كل امرئ فيما يدين يدان

1. Each person is judged according to their faith
Glory be to Him who is not confined by space

١. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ فيما يَدينُ يُدانُ
سُبحانَ مَن لَم يَخلُ مِنهُ مَكانُ

2. O you who busies himself with this world to settle in it
Yet it is not meant for permanent settlement

٢. يا عامِرَ الدُنيا لِيَسكُنَها وَما
هِيَ بِالَّتي يَبقى بِها سُكّانُ

3. The earth remains after you just as
The climate remains while travelers move on

٣. تَفنى وَتَبقى الأَرضُ بَعدَكَ مِثلَما
يَبقى المُناخُ وَتَرحَلُ الرُكبانُ

4. Should I feel happy about any worldly increase?
For my only increase is decrease

٤. أَأُسَرُّ في الدُنيا بِكُلِّ زِيادَةٍ
وَزِيادَتي فيها هِيَ النُقصانُ