
Duties are neglected and obligations forgotten,

يضيع مفروض ويغفل واجب

1. Duties are neglected and obligations forgotten,
And I denounce the people of this age.

١. يُضَيَّعُ مَفروضٌ وَيُغفَلُ واجِبُ
وَإِنّي عَلى أَهلِ الزَمانِ لَعاتِبُ

2. The ruins of cities are left unmourned,
Not one lamenting their fate.

٢. أَتُندَبُ أَطلالُ البِلادِ وَلا يُرى
لِإِلبيرَةٍ مِنهُم عَلى الأَرضِ نادِبُ

3. Though it shone like a sun over the land,
All else is wilderness and gloom but for it.

٣. عَلى أَنَّها شَمسُ البِلادِ وَأُنسُها
وَكُلُّ سِواها وَحشَةٌ وَغَياهِبُ

4. How many who cried out gained response
As hands were freed from shackles!

٤. وَكَم مِن مُجيبٍ كانَ فيها لِصارِخٍ
تُجابُ إِلى جَدوى يَدَيهِ السَباسِبُ

5. How many nobles and scholars it produced
Whose doors were trampled by mounted heroes!

٥. وَكَم مِن نَجيبٍ أَنجَبَتهُ وَعالِمٍ
بِأَبوابِهِم كانَت تُناخُ الرَكائِبُ

6. How many desires found fruition within it
As youth gained their every wish and dream!

٦. وَكَم بَلَغَت فيها الأَماني وَقُضِّيَت
لِصَبٍّ لُباناتٌ بِها وَمَآرِبُ

7. How many suns rose and moons marched
Across its lands, stars and planets alike!

٧. وَكَم طَلَعَت فيها الشُموسُ وَكَم مَشَت
عَلى الأَرضِ أَقمارٌ بِها وَكَواكِبُ

8. How many steeds raced, their riders triumphing,
How many archers felled their targets!

٨. وَكَم فَرَسَت فيها الظِباءُ ضَراغِماً
وَكَم صَرَعَت فيها الكُماةَ كَواعِبُ

9. I knew it once, brightening the darkest night,
Now days made black by endless calamities.

٩. لَعَهدي بِها مُبيَضَّةَ اللَيلِ فَاغتَدَت
وَأَيّامُها قَد سَوَّدَتها النَوائِبُ

10. It had naught but glad tidings and blessings,
But only sorrows and trials remain.

١٠. وَما كانَ فيها غَيرُ بُشرى وَأَنعُمٍ
فَلَم يَبقَ فيها الآنَ إِلّا المَصائِبُ

11. Mansions of ladies became, after them,
Dens, where the winds and storms intrude.

١١. غَدَت بَعدَ رَبّاتِ الحِجالِ قُصورُها
يَباباً تُغاديها الصَبا وَالجَنائِبُ

12. Alas, ten thousand sighs for every stone
Of its buildings, once caressed by clouds.

١٢. فَآهٍ أُلوفاً تَقتَضي عَدَدَ الحَصا
عَلى عَهدِها ماعاهَدَتها السَحائِبُ

13. I marvel at the wonders known to me here -
Would that I knew where those miracles went!

١٣. عَجِبتُ لِما أَدري بِها مِن عَجيبَةٍ
فَيالَيتَ شِعري أَينَ تِلكَ العَجائِبُ

14. Where are its icons, its glories and virtues?
Where are its degrees, ranks and titles?

١٤. وَما فَعَلَت أَعلامُها وَفِئامُها
وَأَرآمُها أَم أَينَ تِلكَ المَراتِبُ

15. Where are the seas of knowledge, wisdom and dew?
Where are the clasping hands, piercing stars?

١٥. وَأَينَ بِحارُ العِلمِ وَالحِلمِ وَالنَدى
وَأَينَ الأَكُفُّ الهامِياتُ السَواكِبُ

16. We rent our garments for its fallen sons,
Though too little, for so noble were they.

١٦. شَقَقنا عَلى مَن ماتَ مِنهُم جُيوبَنا
وَكانَ قَليلاً أَن تُشَقَّ التَرائِبُ

17. If their presence is gone, their deeds remain
Sublime traits for all time, never erased.

١٧. وَإِن فُقِدَت أَعيانُهُم فَلَتوجَدَن
مَدى الدَهرِ أَفعالٌ لَهُم وَمَناقِبُ

18. Some vestige lingers still upon this earth,
As if stars fixed in the sphere eternal.

١٨. وَقَد بَقِيَت في الأَرضِ مِنهُم بَقِيَّةٌ
كَأَنَّهُم فيها نُجومٌ ثَواقِبُ

19. Praise to their Maker! Praise to the living!
Each most noble, of overflowing merit.

١٩. فَلِلَّهِ ثاويهِم وَلِلَّهِ حَيُّهُم
فَكُلٌّ جَوادٌ باهِرُ الفَضلِ واهِبُ

20. I asked of their abode, and it replied:
All things perish, but God remains forever.

٢٠. لَساءَلتُ عَنهُم رَسمَها فَأَجابَني
أَلا كُلَّ شَيءٍ ما خَلا اللَهَ ذاهِبُ

21. It tells us: for your sins I was seized,
And none of you turn in repentance to God.

٢١. يُخاطِبُنا أَن قَد أُخِذتُ بِذَنبِكُم
وَما أَحَدٌ مِنكُم عَنِ الذَنبِ تائِبُ

22. Your hearts have hardened, your souls darkened,
And none among you cry out, aspiring to Him.

٢٢. وَأَن قَد قَسَت أَكبادُكُم وَقُلوبُكُم
وَما مِنكُم داعٍ إِلى اللَهِ راغِبُ

23. More fitting you should weep at their loss,
As the keenest laments rise up in their name.

٢٣. لَشَكلُكُمُ أَولى وَأَجدَرُ بِالبُكا
عَلى مِثلِهِ حَقّاً تَقومُ النَوادِبُ