1. O dove of the wilderness, your crying has lasted long
With your beautiful voice, what made you cry?
١. أَحَمامَةَ البَيدا أَطَلتِ بُكاكِ
فَبِحُسنِ صَوتُكِ ما الَّذي أَبكاكِ
2. If what I suspected is true, then I
More than you from intense separation.
٢. إِن كانَ حَقاً ما ظَنَنتُ فَإِنَّ بي
فَوقَ الَّذي بِكِ مِن شَديدِ جَواكِ
3. I think you are distraught from parting
With a close companion, so you yearned for him.
٣. إِنّي أَظُنُّكِ قَد دُهيتِ بِفُرقَةٍ
مِن مُؤنِسٍ لَكِ فَاِرتَمَضتِ لِذاكِ
4. But my complaint from intense passion
Is unlike what you find from your crying.
٤. لَكِنَّ ما أَشكوهُ مِن فَرطِ الجَوى
بِخِلافِ ما تَجِدينَ مِن شَكواكِ
5. I only cry for sins and confessing them
And in complaining is the reaching of my salvation.
٥. أَنا إِنَّما أَبكي الذُنوبَ وَأَسرِها
وَمُنايَ في الشَكوى مَنالُ فَكاكي
6. And when I cry I ask my Lord for mercy
And pardon so my crying is unlike your crying.
٦. وَإِذا بَكَيتُ سَأَلتُ رَبي رَحمَةً
وَتَجاوزاً فَبُكايَ غَيرُ بُكاكِ