1. Shall I turn away from my purpose though youth has departed,
And I have stood on the verge of my short life?
١. أَأَحورُ عَن قَصدي وَقَد بَرَحَ الخَفا
وَوَقَفتُ مِن عُمري القَصيرِ عَلى شَفا
2. I see the tears of the eyes withholding their water,
As if prior to this the clouds poured in torrents.
٢. وَأَرى شُؤونَ العَينِ تُمسِكُ ماءَها
وَلَقَبلَ ما حَكَتِ السَحابَ الوُكَّفا
3. I think this is a lesson presented to it
By hardness of heart resembling flintstone.
٣. وَأَخالُ ذاكَ لِعِبرَةٍ عَرَضَت لَها
مِن قَسوَةٍ في القَلبِ أَشبَهتِ الصَفا
4. The long period of weeping has availed me little,
Though weeping may benefit the grief-stricken one.
٤. وَلَقَلَّ لي طولُ البُكاءِ لِهَفوَتي
فَلَرُبَّما شَفَعَ البُكاءُ لِمَن هَفا
5. Sins do not settle in an abode
Save to make it a barren desert.
٥. إِنَّ المَعاصِيَ لا تُقيمُ بِمَنزِلٍ
إِلّا لِتَجعَلَ مِنهُ قاعاً صَفصَفا
6. Had I doctored its chronic ill
With ointments of piety, it would have recovered.
٦. وَلَو أَنَّني داوَيتُ مَعطَبَ دائِها
بِمَراهِمِ التَقوى لَوافَقتِ الشِفا
7. I would have purified its turbid spring with its mud,
And washed the heart's filth in the fountain of purity.
٧. وَلَعِفتُ مَورِدَها المَشوبَ بِرَنقِها
وَغَسَلتُ رَينَ القَلبِ في عَينِ الصَفا
8. I would have defeated its raging folly with repentance,
And quenched from remorse over it a flaming thirst.
٨. وَهَزَمتُ جَحفَلَ غَيِّها بِإِنابَةٍ
وَسَلَلتُ مِن نَدَمٍ عَلَيها مُرهَفا
9. I would have abandoned a world that remains ever perfidious
To those hoping for fidelity from it.
٩. وَهَجَرتُ دُنيا لَم تَزَل غَدّارَةً
بِمُؤَمِّليها المُمحِضينَ لَها الوَفا
10. Calamity has crushed them and their homes -
May God pardon them and their homes.
١٠. سَحَقَتهُمُ وَدِيارَهُم سَحقَ الرَحا
فَعَلَيهُمُ وَعَلى دِيارِهُم العَفا
11. And there is fear for them from their Lord
On the Day of Requital - unless He pardons.
١١. وَلَقَد يُخافُ عَلَيهِمُ مِن رَبِّهِم
يَومَ الجَزاءِ النارَ إِلّا إِن عَفا
12. Truly when a noble one desires a goal,
He reaches his destination and casts off delinquency.
١٢. إِنَّ الجَوادَ إِذا تَطَلَّبَ غايَةً
بَلَغَ المَدى مِنها وَبَذَّ المُقرِفا
13. Great is the difference between one preparing for his return
Forever, and one who continues to procrastinate.
١٣. شَتّانَ بَينَ مُشَمِّرٍ لِمَعادِهِ
أَبَداً وَآخَرَ لا يَزالُ مُسَوِّفا
14. I called You insistently to deliver me
From what I fear, so do not reject the insistent supplicant.
١٤. إِنّي دَعَوتُكَ مُلحِفاً لِتُجيرَني
مِمّا أَخافُ فَلا تَرُدَّ المُلحِفا