
Which of my sins should I weep blood over

أي خطيئاتي أبكي دما

1. Which of my sins should I weep blood over
When they are many like the stars of the sky

١. أَيُّ خَطيئاتِيَ أَبكي دَما
وَهيَ كَثيرٌ كَنُجومِ السَما

2. They have obscured my mind so I cannot find guidance
And caused the blindness of my heart's eye

٢. قَد طَمَسَت عَقلي فَما أَهتَدي
وَأَورَثَت عَينَ فُؤادي العَمى

3. Truly my state with God has brought me
Calamities that have darkened my mornings

٣. إِنّا إِلى اللَهِ لَقَد حَلَّ بي
خَطبٌ غَدا صُبحي بِهِ مُظلِما