
I have grown accustomed to falconry, wary of the falcon's claws,

ألفت العقاب حذار العقاب

1. I have grown accustomed to falconry, wary of the falcon's claws,
And kept away from watering holes, fearing the wolves.

١. أَلِفتُ العُقابَ حِذارَ العِقابِ
وَعِفتُ المَوارِدَ خَوفَ الذِئابِ

2. I have hated my soul for disobeying Him,
And reproached her with the harshest reproach.

٢. وَأَبغَضتُ نَفسي لِعِصيانِها
وَعاتَبتُها بِأَشَدِّ العِتابِ

3. I said to her, "Your youth has departed,
And old age has stripped you of the garb of youth."

٣. وَقُلتُ لَها بانَ عَنكِ الصَبا
وَجَرَّدَكِ الشَيبُ ثَوبَ الشَبابِ

4. After that, there is nothing left but ruin,
The stillness of graves and the terror of Judgement.

٤. وَما بَعدَ ذَلِكَ إِلّا البِلى
وَسُكنى القُبورِ وَهَولُ الحِسابِ

5. Reproach awakened her from her slumber,
But she is confused and disturbed.

٥. فَأَيقَظَها العَتبُ مِن نَومِها
وَلِكَنَّها جَمَّةُ الإِضطِرابِ

6. How often she would act devoutly and righteously,
Only to relapse as a mirage recedes.

٦. فَكَم أَنشَأَت مُزنَةً لِلتُقى
وَعادَت وَشيكاً كَلَمعِ السَرابِ

7. How often she promised me repentance, but never
Fulfilled her promise in practice!

٧. وَكَم وَعَدتِني بِتَوبٍ وَكَم
وَما أَنجَزَت وَعدَها في المَتابِ

8. How often she deceived me into thinking
That I was discerning of sin and righteousness!

٨. وَكَم خَدَعتِني عَلى أَنَّني
بَصيرٌ بِطُرقِ الخَطا وَالصَوابِ

9. So I cannot trust her not to betray me,
Even if she swore to me by the verses of Scripture.

٩. فَلَستُ عَلى الأَمنِ مِن غَدرِها
وَلَو حَلَفَت لي بِآيِ الكِتابِ