
By Your life, this world is no abode to stay

لعمرك ما الدنيا بدار بقاء

1. By Your life, this world is no abode to stay
Death's abode suffices as the home to decay

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما الدُنيا بِدارِ بَقاءِ
كَفاكَ بِدارِ المَوتِ دارَ فَناءِ

2. So love not this world, my brother, for you see
The world's lover tried with utmost suffering

٢. فَلا تَعشَقِ الدُنيا أُخَيَّ فَإِنَّما
تَرى عاشِقَ الدُنيا بِجُهدِ بَلاءِ

3. Its sweetness mixed with bitterness
Its comfort mixed with misery

٣. حَلاوَتُها مَمزوجَةٌ بِمَرارَةٍ
وَراحَتُها مَمزوجَةٌ بِعَناءِ

4. So walk not a day fancily bedecked
When you were made of clay and water

٤. فَلا تَمشِ يَوماً في ثِيابِ مَخيلَةٍ
فَإِنَّكَ مِن طينٍ خُلِقتَ وَماءِ

5. How few accept from God with gratitude
How few accept His judgement and find peace

٥. لَقَلَّ امرُؤٌ تَلقاهُ لِلَّهِ شاكِراً
وَقَلَّ امرُؤٌ يَرضى لَهُ بِقَضاءِ

6. Great bounties God on us bestowed
Great kindness, grace, and gifts He did endow

٦. وَلِلَّهِ نَعماءٌ عَلَينا عَظيمَةٌ
وَلِلَّهِ إِحسانٌ وَفَضلُ عَطاءِ

7. Nor is time one day unchanging in its course
Nor are the youth's days everquite the same

٧. وَما الدَهرُ يَوماً واحِداً في اختِلافِهِ
وَما كُلُّ أَيّامِ الفَتى بِسَواءِ

8. Now a day of woe and hardship,
Now a day of joy and ease

٨. وَما هُوَ إِلّا يَومُ بُؤسٍ وَشِدَّةٍ
وَيَومُ سُرورٍ مَرَّةً وَرَخاءِ

9. Nor do I gain from what I did not hope
Nor attains all I hoped or wished to gain

٩. وَما كُلُّ ما لَم أَرجُ أُحرَمُ نَفعَهُ
وَما كُلُّ ما أَرجوهُ أَهلَ رَجاءِ

10. Wondrous is time's caprice and guile
Time's caprice did all ties of kinship mar

١٠. أَيا عَجَباً لِلدَهرِ لا بَل لِرَيبِهِ
تَخَرَّمَ رَيبُ الدَهرِ كُلَّ إِخاءِ

11. Time's caprice all bonds did sever
Time's caprice all clarity did blur

١١. وَمَزَّقَ رَيبُ الدَهرِ كُلَّ جَماعَةٍ
وَكَدَّرَ رَيبُ الدَهرِ كُلَّ صَفاءِ

12. When a friend slips to non-existence
His remoteness and distance pain me ever

١٢. إِذا ما خَليلٌ حَلَّ في بَرزَخِ البِلى
فَحَسبي بِهِ نَأياً وَبُعدَ لِقاءِ

13. Graves of nobles I visit, no glory lies there
Once lords of grace, all honour dies there

١٣. أَزورُ قُبورَ المُترَفينَ فَلا أَرى
بَهاءً وَكانوا قَبلُ أَهلَ بَهاءِ

14. Each a cousin did befriend, now aloof
Each an intimate, now uncouth

١٤. وَكُلٌّ رَماهُ واصِلٌ بِصَريمَةٍ
وَكُلٌّ رَماهُ مُلطِفٌ بِجَفاءِ

15. I sought, but no escape from death found I
All cures fail against mortality

١٥. طَلَبتُ فَما أَلفَيتُ لِلمَوتِ حيلَةً
وَيَعيا بِداءِ المَوتِ كُلُّ دَواءِ

16. The youth's soul joys in his growth
But all growth leads to decay

١٦. وَنَفسُ الفَتى مَسرورَةٌ بِنَمائِهَ
وَلِلنَقصِ تُنمي كُلُّ ذاتِ نَماءِ

17. Many ransomed were not saved
No kinsman their freedom paid

١٧. وَكَم مِن مُفَدّاً ماتَ لَم أَرَ أَهلَهُ
حَبَوهُ وَلا جادوا لَهُ بِفِداءِ

18. Before you two abodes, O man of regret
One permanence and bliss, the other sorrow and upset

١٨. أَمامَكَ يا نَدمانُ دارُ سَعادَةٍ
يَدومُ النَما فيها وَدارُ شَقاءِ

19. You're made for one of two ends, so do not sleep
But between hope and fear your vigil keep

١٩. خُلِقتَ لِإِحدى الغايَتَينِ فَلا تَنَم
وَكُن بَينَ خَوفٍ مِنهُما وَرَجاءِ

20. Mankind bears evil, else no company they'd share
But God cloaked it in gowns for them to wear

٢٠. وَفي الناسِ شَرٌّ لَو بَدا ما تَعاشَروا
وَلَكِن كَساهُ اللَهُ ثَوبَ غِطاءِ