1. The creation's jewels differ
And rarely do their secrets foster virtue
١. الخَلقُ مُختَلِفٌ جَواهِرُهُ
وَلَقَلَّ ما تَزكو سَرائِرُهُ
2. And rarely pure remain their natures
Yet uprise their inward and outward worth, exalted
٢. وَلَقَلَّ ما تَصفو طَبائِعُهُ
وَيَصِحُّ باطِنُهُ وَظاهِرُهُ
3. And mankind in this world have every faith in what is contrived
Yet Time circles to rapid fall
٣. وَالناسُ في الدُنيا ذَوّ ثِقَةٍ
وَالدَهرُ مُسرِعَةٌ دَوائِرُهُ
4. No good in this world illumes he of sight
Whose insight fails him now
٤. لا خَيرَ في الدُنيا لِذي بَصَرٍ
نَفِذَت لَهُ فيحا بَصائِرُهُ
5. Had our recalling of death kept pace
No recaller would living pleasure know
٥. لَو أَنَّ ذِكرَ المَوتِ لازَمَنا
لَم يَنتَفِع بِالعَيشِ ذاكِرُهُ
6. How oft we're orphaned of trusted kin
And fellows in whose company we dwell
٦. كَم قَد ثَكِلنا مِن ذَوي ثِقَةٍ
وَمُعاشِرٍ كُنّا نُعاشِرُهُ
7. Where are the kings and where's their pride
Reduced to that fate you will endure
٧. أَينَ المُلوكُ وَأَينَ عِزَّتُهُم
صاروا مَصيراً أَنتَ صائِرُهُ
8. Our path to death is shared by all
Great and small come to its reckoning
٨. فَسَبيلُنا في المَوتِ مُشتَرَكٌ
يَتلو أَصاغِرَهُ أَكابِرُهُ
9. Whoso in God great stores maintains
Shall see his treasures manifest dawn's light divine
٩. مَن كانَ عِندَ اللَهِ مُذَّخِراً
فَسَتَستَبينُ غَداً ذَخائِرُهُ
10. Saved from demise and his treasure yet his
Flows fortune's joy through him entire
١٠. أَمِنَ الفَناءِ عَلى ذَخائِرِهِ
وَجَرى لَهُ بِالسَعدِ طائِرُهُ
11. Oh you the death angel summons now
No doubt but drop all else and fly to meet
١١. يا مَن يُريدُ المَوتُ مُهجَتَهُ
لا شَكَّ ما لَكَ لا تُبادِرُهُ
12. Have you reflected on ruins lately bared
Where but yesterday resided guards atop their steeds so proud
١٢. هَل أَنتَ مَعتَبِرٌ بِمَن خَرِبَت
مِنهُ غَداةَ قَضى دَساكِرُهُ
13. On she the veil of whom is lowered now
And council seats from which is he now barred
١٣. وَبِمَن خَلَت مِنهُ أَسِرَّتُهُ
وَبِمَن خَلَت مِنهُ مَنابِرُهُ
14. And cities which for him no more allow
Their hosts like armies to parade
١٤. وَبِمَن خَلَت مِنهُ مَدائِنُهُ
وَتَفَرَّقَت عَنهُ عَساكِرُهُ
15. And whom Time humiliates when breath is ceased
As tribes their bond with him untie
١٥. وَبِمَن أَذَلَّ الدَهرُ مَصرَعُهُ
فَتَبَرَّأَت مِنهُ عَشائِرُهُ
16. Entombed, confined till Judgment Day
Wherein his grave the pebbles pry
١٦. مُستَودَعاً قَبراً قَد اِقَلَهُ
فيها مِنَ الحَصباءِ قابِرُهُ
17. His handsome face decays and pleasure flees him
Only ruin hides him from the light
١٧. دَرَسَت مَحاسِنُ وَجهِهِ وَنَفى
عَنهُ النَعيمُ فَتِلكَ ساتِرُهُ
18. His neighbor shuns him for his plight
His friend from afar forsakes him quite
١٨. فَقَريبُهُ الأَدنى مُجانِبُهُ
وَصَديقُهُ مِن بَعدِ هاجِرُهُ
19. Oh coveter of Dunya profit vain
Oh vying might you shall not maintain
١٩. يا مُؤثِرَ الدُنيا وَطالِبَها
وَالمُستَعِدَّ لِمَن يُفاخِرُهُ
20. Take what appeared that you might gain
For death, the end, shall you attain
٢٠. نَل ما بَدا لَكَ أَن تَنالَ مِنَ ال
دُنيا فَإِنَّ المَوتَ آخِرُهُ