
O son of the Prophet's cousin, best of creation

يا ابن عم النبي خير البريه

1. O son of the Prophet's cousin, best of creation
You are truly a mercy to the common folk

١. يا اِبنَ عَمِّ النَبيِّ خَيرِ البَرِيَّه
إِنَّما أَنتَ رَحمَةٌ لِلرَعِيَّه

2. O Imam of guidance, trustee purified
O quintessence of the Hashimite Caliphate

٢. يا إِمامَ الهُدى الأَمينَ المُصَفّى
يا لُبابَ الخِلافَةِ الهاشِمِيَّه

3. You have a soul that inclines toward good
And hands generous with noble deeds

٣. لَكَ نَفسٌ أَمّارَةٌ لَكَ بِالخَي
رِ وَكَفٌّ بِالمَكرُماتِ نَدِيَّه

4. A soul that has borne for Muslims what no
Other powerful soul could bear

٤. إِنَّ نَفساً تَحَمَّلَت مِنكَ ما حُم
مِلتَ لِلمُسلِمينَ نَفسٌ قَوِيَّه