1. Gentleness attains what harshness cannot reach,
And few in people have a gentle nature.
١. الرِفقُ يَبلُغُ ما لا يَبلُغُ الخَرَقُ
وَقَلَّ في الناسِ مَن يَصفو لَهُ خُلُقُ
2. No man strays from the right path and leaves it,
Unless restlessness lures him to what he dislikes.
٢. لَم يَقلَقِ المَرءُ عَن رُشدٍ فَيَترُكُهُ
إِلّا دَعاهُ إِلى ما يَكرَهُ القَلَقُ
3. Falsehood wanders in darkness without illumination,
While the truth is luminous, radiating light.
٣. الباطِلُ الدَهرَ يُلفى لا ضِياءَ لَهُ
وَالحَقُّ أَبلَجُ فيهِ النورُ يَأتَلِقُ
4. When will an ever greedy and restless man awake?
For greed is an ailment that stirs anxiety beneath the ribs.
٤. مَتى يَفيقُ حَريصٌ دائِبٌ أَبَداً
وَالحِرصُ داءٌ لَهُ تَحتَ الحَشا قَلَقُ
5. People exploit the useful qualities of others,
Yet those qualities are collars around their necks.
٥. يَستَغنِمُ الناسُ مِن قَومٍ فَوائِدَهُم
وَإِنَّما هِيَ في أَعناقِهِم رَبَقُ
6. And people struggle in worldly competition,
Though people have no more than what they were given.
٦. وَيَجهَدُ الناسُ في الدُنيا مُنافَسَةً
وَلَيسَ لِلناسِ شَيءٌ غَيرَ ما رُزِقوا
7. O you who built a palace in this world and erected it!
You established your palace where there is flooding and drowning.
٧. يا مَن بَنى القَصرَ في الدُنيا وَشَيَّدَهُ
أَسَّستَ قَصرَكَ حَيثُ السَيلُ وَالغَرَقُ
8. Do not be neglectful, for the house is bound to vanish,
And its sherbet is sorrows while its joy is fleeting.
٨. لا تَغفُلَنَّ فَإِنَّ الدارَ فانِيَةٌ
وَشُربُها غُصَصٌ وَصَفوُها رَنَقُ
9. And death is an ugly basin you will inevitably reach,
So look after yourself before death makes you nauseous.
٩. وَالمَوتُ حَوضٌ كَريهٌ أَنتَ وارِدُهُ
فَاِنظُر لِنَفسِكَ قَبلَ المَوتِ يا مَئِقُ
10. The name of the mighty becomes lowly at his demise,
While the name of the vile is far from noble behavior.
١٠. اِسمُ العَزيزِ ذَليلٌ عِندَ ميتَتِهِ
وَاِسمُ الجَديدِ بُعَيدَ الجِدَّةِ الخَلَقُ
11. Youth passes away and old age destroys its freshness,
As leaves fall off their branches.
١١. يَبلى الشَبابُ وَيُفني الشَيبُ نَضرَتَهُ
كَما تَساقَطُ عَن عيدانِها الوَرَقُ
12. Why do I see you never ceasing in greed
With your eyes and neck extending toward it?
١٢. ما لي أَراكَ وَما تَنفَكُّ مِن طَمَعٍ
يَمتَدُّ مِنكَ إِلَيهِ الطَرفُ وَالعُنُقُ
13. You dispraise your world with words you do not believe,
Yet you remain embracing it in that regard.
١٣. تَذُمُّ دُنياكَ ذَمّا ما تَبوحُ بِهِ
إِلّا وَأَنتَ لَها في ذاكَ مُعتَنِقُ
14. If I had sense, I would prepare provisions for what comes
After departure while I still have any breath left.
١٤. فَلَو عَقَلتُ لَأَعدَدتُ الجِهازَ لِما
بَعدَ الرَحيلِ بِها ما دامَ بي رَمَقُ
15. When you look at the world and see magnificent forms,
You imagine greatness above it though it is full of holes.
١٥. إِذا نَظَرتَ مِنَ الدُنيا إِلى صُوَرٍ
تَخَيَّلَت لَكَ مِنها فَوقَها الخِرَقُ
16. Remember Thamud and ‘Aad. Where, oh where are they?
If past people remained, those after would have remained.
١٦. فَاِذكُر ثَموداً وَعاداً أَينَ أَينَ هُمُ
لَو أَنَّ قَوماً بَقوا مِن قَبلِهِم لَبَقوا
17. We are but a group of riders gathered by a journey
One day in the shade of a shelter, then dispersed.
١٧. ما نَحنُ إِلّا كَرَكبٍ ضَمَّهُ سَفَرٌ
يَوماً إِلى ظِلِّ فَيءٍ ثُمَّتَ اِفتَرَقوا
18. And their vanished predecessors do not stay
As if those after joined them.
١٨. وَلا يُقيمُ عَلى الأَسلافِ غابِرُهُم
كَأَنَّهُم بِهِمُ مَن بَعدَهُم لَحِقوا
19. Whatever stirs or moves will perish with no permanence,
And the land, sea, horizons and regions will vanish.
١٩. ما هَبَّ أَو دَبَّ يَفنى لا بَقاءَ لَهُ
وَالبَرُّ وَالبَحرُ وَالأَقطارُ وَالأُفُقُ
20. We inhabit the land as an abode of delusion in it,
Yet we are all departing from it and heading off.
٢٠. نَستَوطِنُ الأَرضَ داراً لِلغُرورِ بِها
وَكُلُّنا راحِلٌ عَنها فَمُنطَلِقُ
21. I have seen with eyes that are not sleeping,
The arrows of events piercing among people.
٢١. لَقَد رَأَيتُ وَما عَيني بِراقِدَةٍ
نَبلَ الحَوادِثِ بَينَ الخَلقِ تَختَرِقُ
22. How many mighty ones has death felled at their prime
When standards used to flutter over their heads?
٢٢. كَم مِن عَزيزٍ أَذَلَّ المَوتُ مَصرَعَهُ
كانَت عَلى رَأسِهِ الراياتُ تَختَفِقُ
23. Every person has a destined sustenance he will attain
While God provides – not any planning or stupidity.
٢٣. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ فَلَهُ رِزقٌ سَيَبلُغُهُ
وَاللَهُ يَرزُقُ لا كَيسٌ وَلا حُمُقُ
24. When you look upon your approaching world,
Do not be fooled by veneration or smoothness.
٢٤. إِذا نَظَرتَ إِلى دُنياكَ مُقبِلَةً
فَلا يَغُرُّكَ تَعظيمٌ وَلا مَلَقُ
25. O brother, we are the winners tomorrow,
If God saves us from an abode that clings.
٢٥. أُخَيَّ إِنّا لَنَحنُ الفائِزونَ غَداً
إِن سَلَّمَ اللَهُ مِن دارٍ لَها عَلَقُ
26. So praise be to God – praise without end,
Which will not be great unless for one with leaves.
٢٦. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمداً لا اِنقِطاعَ لَهُ
ما إِن يُعَظَّمُ إِلّا مَن لَهُ وَرِقُ
27. And praise be to God, praise that is eternal forever,
Those raced to what lies in His presence won.
٢٧. وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمداً دائِماً أَبَداً
فازَ الَّذينَ إِلى ما عِندَهُ سَبَقوا
28. And praise be to God, thanks without depletion,
While people are heedless of why they were created.
٢٨. وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ شُكراً لا نَفادَ لَهُ
الناسُ في غَفلَةٍ عَمّا لَهُ خُلِقوا
29. Nothing made people neglect the day they seek
And the day sweat will silence them at the halt.
٢٩. ما أَغفَلَ الناسَ عَن يَومِ اِبتِغائِهِمُ
وَيَومِ يُلجِمُهُم في المَوقِفِ العَرَقُ