
Rebuke me not for the wine, though no advice-giver be I

عاذلي في المدام غير نصيح

1. Rebuke me not for the wine, though no advice-giver be I
Blame me not for that soulmate who hath beguiled me

١. عاذِلي في المُدامِ غَيرَ نَصيحَ
لا تَلُمني عَلى شَقيقَةِ روحي

2. Blame me not for that fair one who cast her spell on me
And showed ugly as fair, by her sorcery

٢. لا تَلُمني عَلى الَّتي فَتَنَتني
وَأَرَتني القَبيحَ غَيرَ قَبيحِ

3. For my giving unto her is a steed's giving
And my hoarding her is a miser's hoarding

٣. إِنَّ بَذلي لَها لَبَذلُ جَوادٍ
وَاِقتِنائي لَها اِقتِناءُ شَحيحِ