1. A man surrenders his brother
To death, and his father
١. يُسلِمُ المَرءَ أَخوهُ
لِلمَنايا وَأَبوهُ
2. And father of sons does not
Remain, nor do his sons remain
٢. وَأَبو الأَبناءِ لا يَب
قى وَلا يَبقى بَنوهُ
3. Many a one mentioned to his people
Is gone from them, so they forgot him
٣. رُبَّ مَذكورٍ لِقَومٍ
غابَ عَنهُم فَنَسوهُ
4. And when a man's years have vanished
Years make him vanish
٤. وَإِذا أَفنى سِنيهِ ال
مَرءُ أَفنَتهُ سِنونُ
5. And it is as if his kin
Weep over him, and his nearest mourn him
٥. وَكَأَن بِالمَرءِ قَد يَب
كي عَلَيهِ أَقرَبوهُ
6. And it is as if the people rose
And said, "Catch up with him!"
٦. وَكَأَنَّ القَومَ قَد قا
موا فَقالوا أَدرِكوهُ
7. Question him, speak to him,
Stir him, prompt him!
٧. سائِلوهُ كَلِّموهُ
حَرِّكوهُ لَقِّنوهُ
8. But when the people lose hope of him
They say, "Distort him!"
٨. فَإِذا استَيأَسَ مِنهُ ال
قَومُ قالوا حَرِّفوهُ
9. Distort him and turn his face,
Stretch him out, close his eyes!
٩. حَرِّفوهُ وَجِّهوهُ
مَدِّدوهُ غَمِّضوهُ
10. Hasten him to travel
Hasten, do not delay him!
١٠. عَجِّلوهُ لِرَحيلٍ
عَجِّلوا لا تَحبِسوهُ
11. Lift him up, wash him,
Shroud him, embalm him!
١١. اِرفَعوهُ غَسِّلوهُ
كَفِّنوهُ حَنِّطوهُ
12. So when he is wrapped in the
Shrouds, they say, "Bear him!"
١٢. فَإِذا ما لُفَّ في الأَك
فانِ قالوا فَاحمِلوهُ
13. Take him out above the
Throngs of death and escort him!
١٣. أَخرِجوهُ فَوقَ أَعوا
دِ المَنايا شَيِّعوهُ
14. So when they have prayed over him,
It is said, "Bring him and bury him!"
١٤. فَإِذا صَلّوا عَلَيهِ
قيلَ هاتوا وَاقبِروهُ
15. So when they have consigned him as
A pledge to the earth, they leave him
١٥. فَإِذا ما اِستَودَعوهُ ال
أَرضَ رَهناً تَرَكوهُ
16. Abandon him beneath the soil
They burden him, they weigh him down
١٦. خَلَّفوهُ تَحتَ رَدمٍ
أَوقَروهُ أَثقَلوهُ
17. They remove him, they crush him
They seclude him, they isolate him
١٧. أَبعَدوهُ أَسحَقوهُ
أَوحَدوهُ أَفرَدوهُ
18. They bid him farewell and part from him
They submit him and abandon him
١٨. وَدَّعوهُ فارَقوهُ
أَسلَموهُ خَلَّفوهُ
19. And they turn away from him and leave him
As if they never knew him
١٩. وَاِنثَنَوا عَنهُ وَخَلَّو
هُ كَأَن لَم يَعرِفوهُ
20. And it is as if the people, in what
Befell him, never tasted him
٢٠. وَكَأَنَّ القَومَ فيما
كانَ فيهِ لَم يَلوهُ
21. People build, from buildings, what they do not
٢١. اِبتَنى الناسُ مِنَ البُن
يانِ ما لَم يَسكُنوهُ
22. People gather, from money, what they do not
٢٢. جَمَعَ الناسُ مِنَ الأَم
والِ ما لَم يَأكُلوهُ
23. People seek, from wealth, what they do not
٢٣. طَلَبَ الناسُ مِنَ الآ
مالِ ما لَم يُدرِكوهُ
24. Everyone who does not make people his leader is forsaken
The dead incline towards what
٢٤. كُلُّ مَن لَم يَجعَلِ النا
سِ إِماماً تَرَكوهُ
25. They forwarded and find it
The life of a people was good so long as
٢٥. ظَعَنَ المَوتى إِلى ما
قَدَّموهُ وَجَدوهُ
26. The people were content with it
Live as you wish, for whoever's worldly life makes him happy, it makes him happy
٢٦. طابَ عَيشُ القَومِ ما كا
نَ إِذا القَومُ رَضوهُ
27. And if a man does not honor people, they do not honor him
Everyone whom people do not need, they belittle him
٢٧. عِش بِما شِئتَ فَمَن تَس
رُرهُ دُنياهُ تَسوهُ
28. And whoever people incline towards, they magnify him
Whoever competes with his brother
٢٨. وَإِذا لَم يُكرِمِ النا
سَ امرُؤٌ لَم يُكرِموهُ
29. Through wealth, he is his brother
If he looks at him
٢٩. كُلُّ مَن لَم يَحتَجِ النا
سُ إِلَيهِ صَغَّروهُ
30. He sees in him what makes him happy
A man is honored even if
٣٠. وَإِلى مَن رَغِبَ النا
سُ إِلَيهِ أَكبَروهُ
31. His farthest descendants honor him
If people saw a prophet
٣١. مَن تَصَدّى لِأَخيهِ
بِالغِنى فَهوَ أَخوهُ
32. Begging, they would not give him
And if they hoped for
٣٢. فَهوَ إِن يَنظُر إِلَيهِ
يَرءَ مِنهُ ما يَسوهُ
33. The provisions of a dog, they would eat it
Do not see me at the end of the
٣٣. يُكرَمُ المَرءُ وَإِن أَم
لَقَ أَقصاهُ بَنوهُ
34. Day opening my mouth begging
Indeed, whoever asks apart from the Merciful
٣٤. لَو رَأى الناسُ نَبِيّاً
سائِلاً ما وَصَلوهُ
35. Has many who forbid him
By Him who established the necklaces
٣٥. وَهُمُ لَو طَمِعوا في
زادِ كَلبٍ أَكَلوهُ
36. Of the earth as adornments, they asked Him
And from the people by the grace of God
٣٦. لا تَراني آخِرَ الدَه
رِ بِتَسآلٍ أَفوهُ
37. Dispense, and praise Him
Wear the garments of honor
٣٧. إِنَّ مَن يَسأَل سِوى الرَح
مَنِ يَكثُر حارِموهُ
38. So listen to my words and memorize them
Only he who possesses grace
٣٨. وَالَّذي قامَ بِأَرزا
قِ الوَرى طُرّاً سَلوهُ
39. Is recognized by people as possessing it
The best charity is that in which
٣٩. وَعَنِ الناسِ بِفَضلِ اللَ
هِ فَاغنوا وَاحمِدوهُ
40. Faces are not humiliated
You are, so long as you can do without
٤٠. تَلبَسوا أَثوابَ عِزٍّ
فَاِسمَعوا قَولي وَعوهُ
41. Your companion, his lifetime brother
But when you need him
٤١. إِنَّما يُعرَفُ بِالفَض
لِ مَنِ الناسِ ذَوّهُ
42. For an hour, his mouth gapes
٤٢. أَفضَلُ المَعروفِ ما لَم
تُبتَذَل فيهِ الوُجوهُ
٤٣. أَنتَ ما اِستَغنَيتَ عَن صا
حِبِكَ الدَهرَ أَخوهُ
٤٤. فَإِذا اِحتَجتَ إِلَيهِ
ساعَةً مَجَّكَ فوهُ