
I see a people whose faces are beautiful

أرى قوما وجوههم حسان

1. I see a people whose faces are beautiful
When their needs are towards us

١. أَرى قَوماً وُجوهُهُمُ حِسانٌ
إِذا كانَت حَوائِجُهُم إِلَينا

2. And if our needs are towards them
The beauty of their faces turns ugly to us

٢. وَإِن كانَت حَوائِجُنا إِلَيهِم
يُقَبِّحُ حُسنُ أَوجُهِهِم عَلَينا

3. So if stinginess withholds what they have
Then we will grant what we have

٣. فَإِن مَنَعَ الأَشِحَّةُ ما لَديهِم
فَإِنّا سَوفَ نَمنَحُ ما لَدَينا