
Alas, time has often betrayed and changed

ألا طالما خان الزمان وبدلا

1. Alas, time has often betrayed and changed
And frustrated people's hopes, and prolonged

١. أَلا طالَما خانَ الزَمانُ وَبَدَّلا
وَقَسَّرَ آمالَ الأَنامِ وَطَوَّلا

2. I see people in life as fortunate and afflicted
And God's judgment on earth continues imposed

٢. أَرى الناسَ في الدُنيا مُعافاً وَمُبتَلى
وَمازالَ حُكمُ اللَهِ في الأَرضِ مُرسَلا

3. His knowledge has already gone out to all people
And differentiated it as He willed and connected

٣. مَضى في جَميعِ الناسِ سابِقُ عِلمِهِ
وَفَصَّلَهُ مِن حَيثُ شاءَ وَوَصَّلا

4. And we do not, for the sweetness of fate and its bitterness
See a judgment in us from God more just

٤. وَلَسنا عَلى حُلو القَضاءِ وَمُرِّهِ
نَرى حَكَماً فينا مِنَ اللَهِ أَعدَلا

5. Without creating good and evil as a test
To make us desire what is in His hands and implore

٥. بِلا خَلقَهُ بِالخَيرِ وَالشَرِّ فِتنَةً
لِيَرغَبَ فيما في يَدَيهِ وَيَسأَلا

6. And He only wanted us to benefit from His bounty
And that we repent so He accepts

٦. وَلَم يَبغِ إِلّا أَن نَبوءَ بِفَضلِهِ
عَلَينا وَإِلّا أَن نَتوبَ فَيَقبَلا

7. He is the One, the Eternal, after His creation
And continues in the eternity of creation first

٧. هُوَ الأَحَدُ القَيومُ مِن بَعدِ خَلقِهِ
وَما زالَ في دَيمومَةِ الخَلقِ أَوَّلا

8. And man was not created but for a purpose
And man was not left neglected on earth

٨. وَما خَلَقَ الإِنسانُ إِلّا لِغايَةٍ
وَلَم يَترُكِ الإِنسانَ في الأَرضِ مُهمَلا

9. It is enough of a lesson that I and you, my brother
Go through gentle manipulation and are tested

٩. كَفى عِبرَةً أَنّي وَأَنَّكَ يا أَخي
نُسَرَّفُ تَصريفاً لَطيفاً وَنُبتَلى

10. It is as if we have become a talk for others
The talk is broached as we did with those who passed

١٠. كَأَنّا وَقَد صِرنا حَديثاً لِغَيرِنا
يُخاضُ كَما خُضنا الحَديثَ بِمَن خَلا

11. I imagined a people who passed so it is as if
Together they were imagined fancy

١١. تَوَهَّمتُ قَوماً قَد خَلَوا فَكَأَنَّهُم
بِاجمَعِهِم كانوا خَيالاً تَخَيَّلا

12. And I will not outlast them in their homes
But I have in them a deferred book

١٢. وَلَستُ بِأَبقى مِنهُمُ في دِيارِهِم
وَلَكِنَّ لي فيها كِتاباً مُؤَجَّلا

13. For people are but dead and son of dead
A living hastened or was patient among them

١٣. وَما الناسُ إِلّا مَيِّتٌ وَابنُ مَيِّتٍ
تَأَجَّلَ حَيٌّ مِنهُمُ أَو تَعَجَّلا

14. So do not suppose God breaks His promise
With what He instructed the Messengers and sent

١٤. فَلا تَحسَبَنَّ اللَهَ يَخلُفُ وَعدَهُ
بِما كانَ أَوصى المُرسَلينَ وَأَرسَلا