
Where are the friends of old

ألا أين الألى سلفوا

1. Where are the friends of old
Who were beckoned to death and seized

١. أَلا أَينَ الأُلى سَلَفوا
دُعوا لِلمَوتِ وَاختُطِفوا

2. They met it when no covers were laid
No pillows, no comfort was eased

٢. فَوافَوا حينَ لا تُحَفٌ
وَلا طُرَفٌ وَلا لُطَفُ

3. Graves gape to engulf them now
Then close tightened as if squeezed

٣. تُرَصُّ عَلَيهِمُ حُفَرٌ
وَتُبنى ثُمَّ تَنخَسِفُ

4. In soil they find their bedding strewn
In earth's rubble their couch is leased

٤. لَهُم مِن تُربِها فُرُشٌ
وَمِن رَضراضِها لُحُفُ

5. Lost generations, their links in life's chain broken, forlorn
Scattered, forsaken, forgotten, outworn

٥. تَقَطَّعَ مِنهُمُ سَبَبَ الرَ
جاءِ فَضُيِّعوا وَجُفوا

6. Past the encampments of the dead you pass
Without a tear your stony heart to soften

٦. تَمُرُّ بِعَسكَرِ المَوتى
وَقَلبُكَ مِنهُ لا يَجِفُ

7. As mourners who just bore you here
Then left you and walked on

٧. كَأَنَّ مُشَيِّعيكَ وَقَد
رَمَوا بِكَ ثَمَّ وَانصَرَفوا

8. Oh two faced world, your guiles surpass
All powers of speech however eloquent

٨. فُنونُ رَداكِ يا دُنيا
لَعَمري فَوقَ ما أَصِفُ

9. Yours is the house of injustice and deceit
And aggression and waste run riot

٩. فَأَنتِ الدارُ فيكِ الظُل
مُ وَالعُدوانُ وَالسَرَفُ

10. And bigotry and bitterness seethe
Yours is the house of sorrow and grief

١٠. وَأَنتِ الدارُ فيكِ البَغ
يُ وَالبَغضاءُ وَالشَنَفُ

11. Of backbiting, cheat and strained belief
Of tension unending and cause to weep

١١. وَأَنتِ الدارُ فيكِ الهَم
مُ وَالأَحزانُ وَالأَسَفُ

12. Misfortune visits your tenants
Mishaps make all hopes forfeit

١٢. وَأَنتِ الدارُ فيكِ الغَد
رُ وَالتَنغيصُ وَالكُلَفُ

13. Your kingdom's days are marked by shifts
In fortune's turns and destiny's drift

١٣. وَفيكِ الحَبلُ مُضطَرِبٌ
وَفيكِ البالُ مُنكَسِفُ

14. Like a ball are your creatures tossed
Then somehow strangely lifted

١٤. وَفيكِ لِساكِنيكَ الحَي
نُ وَالآفاتُ وَالتَلَفُ

15. Days look on blind, hours never halt
Of all who tread the good green earth

١٥. وَمُلكُكِ فيهِمُ دُوَلٌ
بِها الأَقدارُ تَختَلِفُ

16. Glory and fame afford no shelter
Thoughtless mortal, his days are as wafted

١٦. كَأَنَّكِ بَينَهُم كُرَةٌ
تَرامى ثُمَّ تُلتَقَفُ

17. What man but confess death's right to rule him
Mankind's purpose obscured in confusion

١٧. تَرى الأَيّامَ لا يُنظِر
نَ وَالساعاتِ لاتَقِفُ

18. Yet ceaseless their struggle for illusory gain
Naught lasting is your realm yet soon

١٨. وَلَن يَبقى لِأَهلِ الأَر
ضِ لا عِزٌّ وَلا شَرَفُ

19. Shall all be taken and you remain
God's word is final and true

١٩. وَكُلٌّ دائِمُ الغَفَلا
تِ وَالأَنفاسُ تُختَطَفُ

20. His promise time will never cleave

٢٠. وَأَيُّ الناسِ إِلّا مو
قِنٌ بِالمَوتِ مُعتَرِفُ

٢١. وَخَلقُ اللَهِ مُشتَبِهٌ
وَسَعيُ الناسُ مُختَلِفُ

٢٢. وَما الدُنيا بِباقِيَةٍ
سَتُنزَحُ ثُمَّ تُنتَسَفُ

٢٣. وَقَولُ اللَهِ ذاكَ لَنا
وَلَيسَ لِقَولِهِ خَلَفُ