
Oh who will give me your company, my brother

ألا من لي بأنسك يا أخيا

1. Oh who will give me your company, my brother
And who will I tell my troubles to

١. أَلا مَن لي بِأُنسِكَ يا أُخَيّا
وَمَن لي أَن أَبُثَّكَ ما لَدَيّا

2. The trials of fate obscured you after being spread
That is how its trials obscure and fold

٢. طَوَتكَ خُطوبُ دَهرِكَ بَعدَ نَشرٍ
كَذاكَ خُطوبُهُ نَشراً وَطَيّا

3. If death had taken you from me
I would have complained to you of what it did to me

٣. فَلَو نَشَرَت قُواكَ لِيَ المَنايا
شَكَوتُ إِلَيكَ ما صَنَعَت إِلَيّا

4. I cried for you my brother with tears from my eyes
But crying did not avail you anything

٤. بَكيتُكَ يا أُخَيَّ بَدَمعِ عَيني
فَلَم يُغنِ البُكاءُ عَلَيكَ شَيّا

5. And during your life you gave me advice
But today you advise me more than when alive

٥. وَكانَت في حَياتِكَ لي عِظاتٌ
وَأَنتَ اليَومَ أَوعَظُ مِنكَ حَيّا