
How long will you ride with pride while death awaits you?

حتى متى تصبو ورأسك أمشط

1. How long will you ride with pride while death awaits you?
Do you think that death will mistake your name?

١. حَتّى مَتى تَصبو وَرَأسُكَ أَمشَطُ
أَحَسِبتَ أَنَّ الَمَوتَ بِاِسمِكَ يَغلَطُ

2. Or do you not reckon it is imposed upon you?
Yes, by your Lord, it is certainly imposed.

٢. أَم لَستَ تَحسَبُهُ عَلَيكَ مُسَلَّطاً
وَبَلى وَرَبِّكَ إِنَّهُ لَمُسَلَّطُ

3. I have seen death lurking,
pouncing on the corpses of kings at times, at others writhing in agony.

٣. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ المَوتَ يَفرِسُ تارَةً
جُثَثَ المُلوكِ وَتارَةً يَتَخَبَّطُ

4. O intimate with rulers, believing in them -
it will soon strip them bare in death and scatter them around.

٤. يا آلِفَ الخُلّانَ مُعتَقِداً لَهُم
سَتَشُطُّ عَنهُم بِالمَماتِ وَتَشحَطُ

5. I can see you among them, weak in strength
shriveling up between them, trying to ingratiate yourself.

٥. وَكَأَنَّني بِكَ بَينَهُم واهي القُوى
نِضواً تَقَلَّصُ بَينَهُم وَتَبَسَّطُ

6. I can see you among them, your heart throbbing with fear of death
as it flounders in its depths.

٦. وَكَأَنَّني بِكَ بَينَهُم خَفِقَ الحَشا
بِالَموتِ في غَمَراتِهِ يَتَشَحَّطُ

7. I can see you in a shroud, wrapped up
in two pieces of cloth, embalmed.

٧. وَكَأَنَّني بِكَ في قَميصٍ مُدرَجاً
في رَيطَتَينِ مُلَفَّفٌ وَمُحَنَّطُ

8. Not in two pieces like my pieces full of breath of life -
nor is my shroud sewn together.

٨. لا رَيطَتَينِ كَرَيطَتي مُتَنَسِّمٍ
روحَ الحَياةِ وَلا القَميصُ مُخَيَّطُ