
The world has become old

تولت جدة الدنيا

1. The world has become old
So all that's new in it is a creation

١. تولت جدّة الدنيا
فكل جديدها خَلقُ

2. And all the people have been treacherous
So I don't know whom to trust

٢. وخان الناس كلهم
فما أدري بمَن أثِقُ

3. It's as if the paths of virtues
Have been blocked for it

٣. كأن معالم الخيرا
ت قد سُدّت لها الطُرقُ

4. So there's no faith, no lineage
No generosity, no manners

٤. فلا دين ولا حسبٌ
ولا كرم ولا خلُقُ