
I will only output the English translation of the poem:

عجبا عجبت لغفلة الإنسان

1. I will only output the English translation of the poem:
I am amazed at the heedlessness of man

١. عَجَباً عَجِبتُ لِغَفلَةِ الإِنسانِ
قَطَعَ الحَياةَ بِغِرَّةٍ وَأَمانِ

2. Who goes through life confidently and safely
When I contemplated the life of this world, I saw it

٢. فَكَّرتُ في الدُنيا فَكانَت مَنزِلاً
عِندي كَبَعضِ مَنازِلِ الرُكبانِ

3. As a lodging place, like the lodgings of travelers
To me, all people in it are equal

٣. عِندي جَميعُ الناسِ فيها واحِدٌ
فَقَليلُها وَكَثيرُها سِيّانِ

4. Whether few or many, they are the same
For how long will I be burdened with that which, had I been under the ground

٤. فَإِلى مَتى كَلَفي بِما لَو كُنتُ تَح
تَ الأَرضِ ثُمَّ رُزِقتُهُ لَأَتاني

5. And then given it, would still have come to me
I seek much in addition to the much

٥. أَبغي الكَثيرَ إِلى الكَثيرِ مُضاعَفاً
وَلَوِ اِقتَصَرتُ عَلى القَليلِ كَفاني

6. While if I were content with little, it would have sufficed me
Praise be to the Lord of inheritors, as though I were

٦. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ الوارِثينَ كَأَنَّني
بِأَخَصِّهِم مُتَبَرِّماً بِمَكاني

7. Dissatisfied with my place among the most special of them
Restless, making me ready for the abode of annihilation

٧. قَلِقاً يُجَهِّزُني إِلى دارِ البِلى
مُتَحَرِّياً لِكَرامَتي بِهَواني

8. Seeking my prestige through my humiliation
Disowning myself when the soil

٨. مُتَبَرِّئًا مِني إِذا نُضِدَ الثَرى
فَوقي طَوى كَشحاً عَلى هِجراني