
No preacher admonishes the wise man

ما وعظ العاقل من واعظ

1. No preacher admonishes the wise man
More effectively than his own soul

١. ما وَعَظَ العاقِلَ مِن واعِظٍ
أَبلَغُ في العاقِلِ مِن نَفسِهِ

2. The wise man may cite examples
From his tomorrow and his yesterday

٢. قَد يَضرِبُ العاقِلُ أَمثالَهُ
في غَدِهِ يَوماً وَفي أَمسِهِ

3. That benefit the people of perception
From the furthest and the nearest of men

٣. فَمِنهُ ما يَنفَعُ أَهلَ الحِجى
مِن أَبعَدِ الناسِ وَمِن جِنسِهِ

4. An old man may consult his sons
And gain wisdom from his bride

٤. قَد يَستَشيرُ الشَيخُ أَبناءَهُ
وَيَقبِسُ الحِكمَةَ مِن عِرسِهِ

5. Wisdom is apportioned, so do not neglect
To seek knowledge or grasp it

٥. وَالعَقلُ مَقسومٌ فَلا تَزهَدَن
في طَلَبِ العِلمِ وَفي قَبسِهِ

6. And ask, for your questioning of
The scholar may dispel your blindness

٦. وَاسأَل فَقَد يَكشِفُ عَنكَ العَمى
سُؤالُكَ العالِمَ في أُنسِهِ