
I see fate working its work

أرى المقادير تعمل العملا

1. I see fate working its work
And man lives always hopeful

١. أَرى المَقاديرَ تَعمَلُ العَمَلا
وَالمَرءُ ما عاشَ آمِلٌ أَمَلا

2. Each has an excuse he voices
Glory to my Lord - how numerous the excuses

٢. كُلٌّ لَهُ عِلَّةٌ يَفوهُ بِها
سُبحانَ رَبّي ما أَكثَرَ العِلَلا

3. Whoever knows people in their doings
Does not follow a companion's mistakes

٣. مَن عَرَفَ الناسَ في تَصَرُّفِهِم
لَم يَتَتَبَّع مِن صاحِبٍ زَلَلا

4. If you suffice someone who did evil
You have done the like of the evil he did

٤. إِن أَنتَ كافَيتَ مَن أَساءَ فَقَد
صِرتَ إِلى مِثلِ سوءِ ما فَعَلا

5. Lofty morals are only for one
Who is patient when faced with hate, if it descends

٥. لَيسَ مَعالي الأَخلاقِ إِلّا لِمَن
يَصبِرُ عِندَ المَكروهِ إِن نَزَلا

6. The forbearing one is in a garden that turns
Ignorance from him if an ignorant one is ignorant

٦. ذو الحِلمِ في جَنَّةٍ تَرُدُّ سِها
مَ الجَهلِ عَنهُ إِن جاهِلٌ جَهِلا

7. He seeks excuses for a friend even
If one day he came to him with his excuse, he accepts

٧. يَلتَمِسُ العُذرَ لِلصَديقِ وَإِن
أَتاهُ يَوماً بِعُذرِهِ قَبِلا

8. Lighten up on all whom you accompanied even
If he was carrying a heavy load and enduring

٨. خَفِّف عَلى كُلِّ مَن صَحِبتَ وَإِن
كانَ لِحَملِ الثَقيلِ مُحتَمِلا

9. How often we have seen a naked man
Even if he wears garments

٩. كَم قَد رَأَينا اِمرِئً مِنَ الخَيرِ عُر
ياناً وَإِن كانَ يَلبَسُ الحُلَلا

10. Let no man feel safe from
The help of life, for I have seen it changing

١٠. لا يَأمَنَنَّ اِمرُؤٌ مُساعَدَةَ ال
دُنيا فَإِنّي رَأَيتُها دُوَلا

11. Everyone has ahead of him a hope
That distracts, but behind him is death

١١. كُلٌّ فَقُدّامَهُ لَهُ أَمَلٌ
يُلهي وَلَكِنَّ خَلفَهُ الأَجَلا

12. Oh misery for the heedless waster
About any mighty thing from his affairs heedlessly distracted

١٢. يا بُؤسَ لِلغافِلِ المُضَيِّعِ عَن
أَيِّ عَظيمٍ مِن أَمرِهِ غَفَلا

13. Everything new - time creates it
And everything living - dead soon

١٣. كُلُّ جَديدٍ فَالدَهرُ يُخلِقُهُ
وَكُلُّ حَيٍّ فَمَيِّتٌ عَجَلا

14. Everything meets him with fate unto
Death, and meets his sustenance complete

١٤. كُلٌّ يُوافي بِهِ القَضاءُ إِلى ال
مَوتِ وَيوفيهِ رِزقَهُ كَمَلا