
I forgot my mortality and fooled myself

نسيت منيتي وخدعت نفسي

1. I forgot my mortality and fooled myself,
And my reconstruction and planting went on too long.

١. نَسيتُ مَنِيَّتي وَخَدَعتُ نَفسي
وَطالَ عَلَيَّ تَعميري وَغَرسي

2. And everything precious I had has become too expensive,
It will be sold cheap after I pass away.

٢. وَكُلُّ ثَمينَةٍ أَصبَحتُ أُغلي
بِها سَتُباعُ مِن بَعدي بِوَكسِ

3. And I don't know, even if I hope for a long life,
Maybe when I wake I won't make it to evening.

٣. وَما أَدري وَإِن أَمَّلتُ عُمراً
لَعَلّي حينَ أُصبِحُ لَستُ أُمسي

4. And the hour of my death is inevitable,
It will hasten my transfer and free me from captivity.

٤. وَساعَةُ ميتَتي لا بُدَّ مِنها
تُعَجِّلُ نُقلَتي وَتُحِلُّ حَبسي

5. I die and friends dislike my company,
And my loneliness appears and companionship disappears.

٥. أَموتُ وَيَكرَهُ الأَحبابُ قُربي
وَتَحضُرُ وَحشَتي وَيغيبُ أُنسي

6. Oh dweller of the well-decorated house,
Mortality will make you inhabit the stomach of a burial ground.

٦. أَلا يا ساكِنَ البَيتِ المُوَشّى
سَتُسكِنُكَ المَنِيَّةُ بَطنَ رَمسِ

7. I saw you remembering the life of this world a lot,
And frequent remembrance of it hardens the heart.

٧. رَأَيتُكَ تَذكُرُ الدُنيا كَثيراً
وَكَثرَةُ ذِكرِها لِلقَلبِ تُقسي

8. It's as if you don't see any deficiency in people,
Yet you see it every sunrise.

٨. كَأَنَّكَ لا تَرى بِالخَلقِ نَقصاً
وَأَنتَ تَراهُ كُلَّ شُروقِ شَمسِ

9. And the seeker of purpose struggled and endured,
And the fulfiller of purpose lived in luxury.

٩. وَطالِبِ حاجَةٍ أَعيا وَأَكدى
وَمُدرِكِ حاجَةٍ في لينِ مَسِّ

10. Beware that you will rarely find a friend
Whose friendship won't disappear except with empathy.

١٠. أَلا وَلَقَلَّ ما تَلقى شَجِيّاً
يَضيعُ صَجاهُ إِلّا بِالتَأَسّي