
You have become, O house of sorrow

أَصبحت يا دار الأذى

1. You have become, O house of sorrow
And your description is filled with misery

١. أَصبَحتِ يا دارَ الأَذى
وَصَفاكِ مُمتَلِئٌ قَذى

2. Where are those I knew
Who enjoyed the sweetest life?

٢. أَينَ الَّذينَ عَهِدتُهُم
قَطَعوا الحَياةَ تَلَذُّذا

3. Fate struck them one morning
And dispatched them promptly—

٣. دَرَجوا غَداةَ رَماهُمُ
رَيبُ الزَمانِ فَأَنفَذا

4. We shall also be like them
In a little while, just so.

٤. سَنَصيرُ أَيضاً مِثلَهُم
عَمّا قَليلٍ هَكَذا

5. O you people, think!
For death, you will tomorrow be food.

٥. يا هؤلاءِ تَفَكَّروا
لِلمَوتِ يَغدو مَن غَذا