
Ahmad said to me, not knowing my inner thoughts

قال لي أحمد ولم يدر ما بي

1. Ahmad said to me, not knowing my inner thoughts,
"Do you truly love Utbah in the mornings?"

١. قالَ لي أَحمَدٌ وَلَم يَدرِ ما بي
أَتُحِبُّ الغَداةَ عُتبَةَ حَقّا

2. So I took a breath and said "Yes, it is a love
That has coursed through my veins and made me sweat.

٢. فَتَنَفَّستُ ثُمَّ قُلتُ نَعَم حُب
باً جَرى في العُروقِ عِقاً فَعِرقا

3. Oh, for my tears - I have not held them back,
As he sets out at dusk and night descends.

٣. يا لِدَمعي عَدِمتُهُ لَيسَ يَرقا
إِنَّما يَستَهِلُّ عَسقاً فَغَسقا

4. If you could see into my heart, Utbah,
You would find there an open wound, torn apart.

٤. لَو تَجُسّينَ يا عُتَيبَةُ قَلبي
لَوَجَدتِ الفُؤادَ قَرحاً تَفَقّا

5. By my life, the doctor has grown weary, as have
My family, of what I suffer and endure.

٥. قَد لَعَمري مَلَّ الطَبيبُ وَمَلَّ ال
أَهلُ مِنّي مِمّا أُقاسي وَأَلقى

6. Would that I die, and find some rest, for I
Will never be cured of her as long as I live.

٦. لَيتَني مِتُّ فَاِستَرَحتُ فَإِنّي
أَبَداً ما حَيِيتُ مِنها مُلَقّى

7. I am her slave, admitting and confessing - no
One else holds me in chains but her, no other.

٧. أَنا عَبدٌ لَها مُقِرٌّ وَما تَم
لِكُ لي غَيرُها مِنَ الناسِ رِقّا

8. A counselor, compassionate, though I have not
Been granted freedom by her - and praise to God!"

٨. ناصِحٌ مُشفِقٌ وَإِن كُنتُ ما أُر
زَقُ مِنها وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ عِتقا