
You were created from dust, there is no doubt in that

من تراب خلقت لا شك فيه

1. You were created from dust, there is no doubt in that
And tomorrow you will return to dust

١. مِن تُرابٍ خُلِقتَ لا شَكَّ فيهِ
وَغَداً أَنتَ صائِرٌ لِلتُرابِ

2. How can you be heedless when you are from clay
And walk arrogantly though you are dust

٢. كَيفَ تَلهو وَأَنتَ مِن حَمَأِ الطي
نِ وَتَمشي وَأَنتَ ذو إِعجابِ

3. So fear Allah and leave arrogance and remember
The standing of the sinners on the Day of Reckoning

٣. فَخَفِ اللَهَ وَاِترُكِ الزَهوَ وَاِذكُر
مَوقِفَ الخاطِئينَ يَومَ الحِسابِ

4. And ask Allah for closeness, adherence
And salvation from the torments of punishment

٤. وَسَلِ اللَهِ زُلفَةً وَاِعتِصاماً
وَخَلاصاً مِن مُؤلِماتِ العِقابِ