1. When a man's fate is determined
You give him nothing more than what is allotted
١. إِذا ما المَرءُ صِرتَ إِلى سُؤالِه
فَما تُعطيهِ أَكثَرَ مِن نَوالِه
2. He who knows excellence strives for it
And schemes to attain what is excellent
٢. وَمَن عَرَفَ المَحامِدَ جَدَّ فيها
وَحَنَّ إِلى المَحامِدِ بِاِحتِيالِه
3. And did not exploit a praiseworthy deed for money
Even if it would encompass all his money
٣. وَلَم يَستَغلِ مَحمَدَةً بِمالٍ
وَلَو أَضحَت تُحيطُ بِكُلِّ مالِه
4. The most honorable of God's family
Are those who spread virtues among their family
٤. عِيالُ اللَهِ أَكرَمُهُم عَلَيهِ
أَبَثُّهُمُ المَكارِمَ في عِيالِه
5. Do you know who your true brother is?
Your brother is he who is patient with you and tolerates you
٥. أَتَدري مَن أَخوكَ أَخوكَ حَقّاً
أَخوكَ بِصَبرِهِ لَكَ وَاِحتِمالِه
6. Your brother is he who seeks all good for you
And your friend is he who persists in his loyalty
٦. أَخوكَ المُبتَغي لَكَ كُلَّ خَيرٍ
وَصاحِبُكَ المُداوِمُ في وِصالِه
7. When the forbearing one gets angry, flee from him
And when the ignoble one gets angry, pay him no heed
٧. إِذا غَضِبَ الحَليمُ فَفِرَّ عَنهُ
وَإِن غَضِبَ اللَئيمُ فَلا تُبالِه
8. You have never seen one who praises a man of action
More eloquent than his actions
٨. وَلَم تَرَ مُثنِياً أَثنى عَلى ذي
فَعالٍ قَطُّ أَفصَحَ مِن فَعالِه
9. It is as if the eye did not see what transpired
And yet imagination still conjures up his image
٩. كَأَنَّ العَينَ لَم تَرَ ما تَقَضّى
وَإِن بَقِيَ التَوَهُّمُ مِن خَيالِه
10. The fastest that something declines is when
It is nearest to perfection
١٠. وَأَسرَعُ ما يَكونُ الشَيءُ نَقصاً
فَأَقرَبُ ما يَكونُ إِلى كَمالِه