
I returned to myself with my thoughts, hoping

رجعت إلى نفسي بفكري لعلها

1. I returned to myself with my thoughts, hoping
It would leave what had deceived and humiliated it

١. رَجَعتُ إِلى نَفسي بِفِكري لَعَلَّها
تُفارِقُ ما قَد غَرَّها وَأَذَلَّها

2. So I said: Oh self, what would I have taken
From the earth if I owned all of it

٢. فَقُلتُ لَها يا نَفسِ ما كُنتُ آخِذاً
مِنَ الأَرضِ لَو أَصبَحتُ أَملِكُ كُلَّها

3. Is it not just satiety after hunger
Or a gift that is my time to fulfill it

٣. فَهَل هِيَ إِلّا شَبعَةٌ بَعدَ جَوعَةٍ
وَإِلّا مُناً قَد حانَ لي أَن أَمَلَّها

4. And a period of time that does not let go the bitterness of what has passed
Upon me from the days except diminishing them

٤. وَمُدَّةُ وَقتٍ لَم يَدَع مُرُّ ما مَضى
عَلِيَّ مِنَ الأَيّامِ إِلّا أَقَلَّها

5. I see you have a self that seeks to dignify it
And you do not dignify the self until you humiliate it

٥. أَرى لَكَ نَفساً تَبتَغي أَن تُعِزَّها
وَلَستَ تُعِزُّ النَفسَ حَتّى تُذِلَّها