1. I stay awake, death's memory deprives me of sleep
And I say to my tears, "Delight me!" So delight me!
١. إِنّي أَرِقتُ وَذِكرُ المَوتِ أَرَّقَني
وَقُلتُ لِلدَمعِ أَسعِدني فَأَسعِدني
2. O he who dies, yet his death does not grieve him,
And he who dies - how little he frets and mourns!
٢. يا مَن يَموتُ فَلَم تُحزِنهُ ميتَتُهُ
وَمَن يَموتُ فَما أَولاهُ بِالحَزَنِ
3. You seek to be saved from misfortunes playing it safe,
Yet you and mishaps are yoked together.
٣. تَبغي النَجاةَ مِنَ الأَجداثِ مُحتَرِساً
وَإِنَّما أَنتَ وَالعِلّاتُ في قَرَنِ
4. O you, the soul that breathes through a body
Held hostage between night and day.
٤. يا صاحِبَ الروحِ ذي الأَنفاسِ في بَدَنِ
بَينَ النَهارِ وَبَينَ اللَيلِ مُرتَهَنِ
5. Rarely do they differ without separating
The soul from the body.
٥. لَقَلَّما يَتَخَطّاكَ اِختِلافُهُما
حَتّى يُفَرِّقَ بَينَ الروحِ وَالبَدَنِ
6. Life is sweetest when need is little,
Not sweet to those heavily burdened.
٦. طيبُ الحَياةِ لِمَن خَفَّت مَؤونَتُهُ
وَلَم تَطِب لِذَوي الأَثقالِ وَالمُؤَنِ
7. Nothing remains of the past but fancy,
As though he who died yesterday did not exist.
٧. لَم يَبقَ مِمّا مَضى إِلّا تَوَهُّمُهُ
كَأَنَّ مَن قَد مَضى بِالأَمسِ لَم يَكُنِ
8. Man's life lies only in the present moment,
That's why I ask the learned about time.
٨. وَإِنَّما المَرءُ في الدُنيا بِساعَتِهِ
سائِل بِذالِكَ أَهلَ العِلمِ بِالزَمَنِ
9. How clearly it shows the moral to the wise
Through pondering, experience and wit!
٩. ما أَوضَحَ الأَمرَ لِلمُلقي بِعِبرَتِهِ
بَينَ التَفَكُّرِ وَالتَجريبِ وَالفِطَنِ
10. Don't you see how the world is fickle?
Why are you fooled by its softness and luxury?
١٠. أَلَستَ يا ذا تَرى الدُنيا مُوَلِّيَةً
فَما يَغُرُّكَ فيها مِن هَنٍ وَهَنِ
11. I wonder, wonder till wonder amazes me -
People oblivious while death follows its laws!
١١. لَأَعجَبَنَّ وَأَنّي يَنقَضي عَجَبي
الناسُ في غَفلَةٍ وَالمَوتُ في سَنَنِ
12. His clothes are white raiment, pleasing to die in
Unointed, unembalmed.
١٢. وَظاعِنٍ مِن بَياضِ الرَيطِ كُسوَتُهُ
مُطَيَّبٍ لِلمَنايا غَيرِ مُدَّهِنِ
13. I left him there, after his funeral, downcast
In a nearby house, far from his homeland.
١٣. غادَرتُهُ بَعدَ تَشيِيعَيهِ مُنجَدِلاً
في قُربِ دارٍ وَفي بُعدٍ مِنَ الوَطَنِ
14. He cannot decrease the ugliness of his situation
Nor increase its beauty.
١٤. لا يَستَطيعُ اِنتِقاصاً في مَحَلَّتِهِ
مِنَ القَبيحِ وَلا يَزدادُ في الحَسَنِ
15. Thanks be to God! I see no restful dwelling
That sways with the rocking of the dead.
١٥. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ شُكراً ما أَرى سَكَناً
يَلوي بِبَحبوحَةِ المَوتى عَلى سَكَنِ
16. What's wrong with people whose minds see clearly,
Yet they buy illusion paying a price?
١٦. ما بالُ قَومٍ وَقَد صَحَّت عُقولُهُمُ
فيما اِدَّعوا يَشتَرونَ الغَيَّ بِالثَمَنِ
17. The world will pull me with its strength
To death, though I resist its rope.
١٧. لِتَجذِبَنّي يَدُ الدُنيا بِقُوَّتِها
إِلى المَنايا وَإِن نازَعتُها رَسِيَ
18. What day for him who met his end
Clearly shows the image of loss?
١٨. وَأَيُّ يَومٍ لِمَن وافى مَنِيَّتَهُ
يَومٌ تَبَيَّنُ فيهِ صورَةُ الغَبَنِ
19. Some people belong to this world; in debt to it
They pasture in the meadows of sin and strife.
١٩. لِلَّهِ دُنيا أُناسٍ دائِنينَ لَها
قَدِ اِرتَعَوا في رِياضِ الغَيِّ وَالفِتَنِ
20. Like cattle fattening up, seeking fat -
If only their fatness could save them!
٢٠. كَسائِماتٍ رَواعٍ تَبتَغي سِمناً
وَحَتفُها لَو دَرَت في ذَلِكَ السِمَنِ