
I have severed the ropes of hope from you

قطعت منك حبائل الآمال

1. I have severed the ropes of hope from you
And dismounted the luggage from my camel's back

١. قَطَّعتُ مِنكَ حَبائِلَ الآمالِ
وَحَطَطتُ عَن ظَهرِ المَطِيِّ رِحالي

2. And despaired that I remain for anything I gained
From you, O world, and that anything remains for me

٢. وَيَئِستُ أَن أَبقى لِشَيءٍ نِلتُ مِم
ما فيكِ يا دُنيا وَأَن يَبقى لي

3. And I found the coldness of despair in my heart
And relaxed from my worries and wanderings

٣. وَوَجَدتُ بَردَ اليَأسِ بَينَ جَوانِحي
وَأَرَحتُ مِن حَلّي وَمِن تَرحالي

4. And if I aspired for the gleam of a charming lightning
It gleamed for one who aspires and glitters for nobles

٤. وَلَئِن طَمِعتُ لِرُبَّ بَرقَةِ خُلَّبٍ
بَرَقَت لِذي طَمَعٍ وَلَمعَةِ آلِ

5. Your hope was most ill-omened when it was my killer
And the daughters of your promise confused my mind

٥. ما كانَ أَشأَمَ إِذ رَجاؤكِ قاتِلي
وَبَناتُ وَعدِكَ يَعتَلِجنَ بِبالي

6. Now, O world, I have known you so go away
O abode of all dispersion and decline

٦. الآنَ يا دُنيا عَرَفتُكِ فَاِذهَبي
يا دارَ كُلِّ تَشَتُّتٍ وَزَوالِ

7. And now time has become well-mannered toward me
So it came upon me and went away with examples

٧. وَالآنَ صارَ لي الزَمانُ مُؤَدَّباً
فَغَدا عَلَيَّ وَراحَ بِالأَمثالِ

8. And now I have seen the path to guidance
And my resolve was relieved of preoccupations

٨. وَالآنَ أَبصَرتُ السَبيلَ إِلى الهُدى
وَتَفَرَّغَت هِمَمي عَنِ الأَشغالِ

9. And old age had eulogized me
Emptying upon me separation and hatred

٩. وَلَقَد أَقامَ لِيَ المَشيبُ نُعاتَهُ
يُفضي إِلَيَّ بِمَفرَقٍ وَقَذالِ

10. And I saw death brandishing its sword
In the hand of mortality wherever I turned

١٠. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ المَوتَ يَبرُقُ سَيفُهُ
بِيَدِ المَنِيَّةِ حَيثُ كُنتُ حِيالي

11. And I saw the bonds of life tattered
And the heirs turned toward my wealth

١١. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ عُرى الحَياةِ تَخَرَّمَت
وَلَقَد تَصَدّى الوارِثونَ لِمالي

12. And I saw evidence for annihilation
In how my state changed and altered

١٢. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ عَلى الفَناءِ أَدِلَّةً
فيما تَنَكَّرَ مِن تَصَرُّفِ حالي

13. And when I contemplate, I see the events
Running with sustenance and lifespans

١٣. وَإِذا اِعتَبَرتُ رَأَيتُ حَطَّ حَوادِثٍ
يَجرينَ بِالأَرزاقِ وَالآجالِ

14. And when men trace their ancestry I see
No lineage compared to righteous deeds

١٤. وَإِذا تَناسَبَتِ الرِجالُ فَما أَرى
نَسَباً يُقاسُ بِصالِحِ الأَعمالِ

15. And when I search for the devout I find him
A man whose actions confirm his words

١٥. وَإِذا بَحَثتُ عَنِ التَقِيِّ وَجَدتُهُ
رَجُلاً يُصَدِّقُ قَولَهُ بِفِعالِ

16. And when a man fears God and obeys Him
You see him between virtues and fine traits

١٦. وَإِذا اِتَّقى اللَهَ اِمرُؤٌ وَأَطاعَهُ
فَتَراهُ بَينَ مَكارِمٍ وَمَعالِ

17. Upon the devout when established in piety
Are two crowns, tranquility and majesty

١٧. عَلى التَقِيِّ إِذا تَرَسَّخَ في التُقى
تاجانِ تاجُ سَكينَةٍ وَجَلالِ

18. Night and day alternate
With people coming and going

١٨. وَاللَيلُ يَذهَبُ وَالنَهارُ تَعاوُراً
بِالخَلقِ في الإِدبارِ وَالإِقبالِ

19. And according to who laments their soul
Of days and nights that have passed

١٩. وَبِحَسبِ مَن تُنعى إِلَيهِ نَفسُهُ
مِنهُم بِأَيّامٍ خَلَت وَلَيالِ

20. Strike with your eyelids wherever you wish for you are in
Lessons that have remedy and succession

٢٠. اِضرِب بِطَرفِكَ حَيثُ شِئتَ فَأَنتَ في
عِبَرٍ لَهُنَّ تَدارُكٌ وَتَوالِ

21. The new grows old while you renew it
And all you renewed of it will perish

٢١. يَبلى الجَديدُ وَأَنتَ في تَجديدِهِ
وَجَميعُ ما جَدَّدتَ مِنهُ فَبالِ

22. O you who will be in his grave tomorrow
Scattered in limbs and torn apart

٢٢. يا أَيُّها البَطَرُ الَّذي هُوَ مِن غَدٍ
في قَبرِهِ مُتَفَرِّقُ الأَوصالِ

23. Dedication to guidance has relieved him
And I see your residence lengthy of tails

٢٣. حَذَفَ المُنى عَنهُ المُشَمِّرُ في الهُدى
وَأَرى مُناكَ طَويلَةَ الأَذيالِ

24. And seldom does one who fools themselves find
A playful jester walking proudly

٢٤. وَلقَلَّ ما تَلقى أَغَرَّ لِنَفسِهِ
مِن لاعِبٍ مَرِحٍ بِها مُختالِ

25. O trader of sin, harmful in maturity
Till when will you profit from sin?

٢٥. يا تاجِرَ الغَيِّ المُضِرَّ بِرُشدِهِ
حَتّى مَتى بِالغِيِّ أَنتَ تُغالي

26. Praise be to Allah, the Praiseworthy in His bounty
The hands of the idle have lost and gained nothing

٢٦. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الحَميدِ بِمَنِّهِ
خَسِرَت وَلَم تَربَح يَدُ البَطّالِ

27. For Allah is a day skins will shudder from
And the forelocks of children will gray

٢٧. لِلَّهِ يَومٌ تَقشَعِرُّ جُلودُهُم
وَتَشيبُ مِنهُ ذَوائِبُ الأَطفالِ

28. The day of adversities, quakes, and terrors
In which burdens will be cast

٢٨. يَومُ النَوازِلِ وَالزَلازِلِ وَالحَوا
مِلِ فيهِ إِذ يَقذِفنَ بِالأَحمالِ

29. The day of variance, dissent, and dread
And matters of tremendous horrors

٢٩. يَومُ التَغابُنِ وَالتَبايُنِ وَالتَوا
زُنِ وَالأُمورِ عَظيمَةِ الأَهوالِ

30. A day in which every misguided one will be called
To the fires and shackles

٣٠. يَومٌ يُنادى فيهِ كُلُّ مُضَلِّلٍ
بُمُقَطَّعاتِ النارِ وَالأَغلالِ

31. For the reverent there will be an honored abode
Faces lit with radiance and beauty

٣١. لِلمُتَّقينَ هُناكَ نُزلُ كَرامَةٍ
عَلَتِ الوُجوهَ بِنَضرَةٍ وَجَمالِ

32. Groups whose faces shone for reckoning
With a brilliance and hills for them

٣٢. زُمَرٌ أَضاءَت لِلحِسابِ وُجوهُها
فَلَها بَريقٌ عِندَهُ وَتَلالي

33. And early comers, fair-faced brides
Ran with slender waists and light loads

٣٣. وَسَوابِقٌ غُرٌّ مُحَجَّلَةٌ جَرَت
خُمصَ البُطونِ خَفيفَةَ الأَثقالِ

34. From every disheveled and dusty innovator
The robe of the multi-patched gown befell him

٣٤. مِن كُلِّ أَشعَثَ كانَ أَغبَرَ ناحِلاً
خَلَقَ الرِداءَ مُرَقَّعِ السِربالِ

35. They descended to a generous master so He shaded them
In the abode of majestic kingship and shade

٣٥. نَزَلوا بِأَكرَمِ سَيِّدٍ فَأَظَلَّهُم
في دارِ مُلكِ جَلالَةٍ وَظِلالِ

36. The schemes of man in matters are many
Yet death cuts off the craft of the schemer

٣٦. حِيَلُ اِبنِ آدَمَ في الأُمورِ كَثيرَةٌ
وَالمَوتُ يَقطَعُ حِليَةَ المُحتالِ

37. And from the eulogizers to man himself
The steps pace and the crescent of each new moon

٣٧. وَمِنَ النُعاةِ إِلى اِبنِ آدَمَ نَفسَهُ
حَرَكَ الخُطى وَطُلوعُ كُلِّ هِلالِ

38. Why do I see you frowning out of conceit
You have made the faces of men frowning, O world

٣٨. ما لي أَراكَ لِحُرِّ وَجهِكَ مُخلِقاً
أَخَلَقتِ يا دُنيا وُجوهَ رِجالِ

39. I weighed the question and it was of greatest value
Than any female inquirer's question

٣٩. قِستُ السُؤالَ فَكانَ أَعظَمَ قيمَةً
مِن كُلِّ عارِفَةٍ أَتَت بِسُؤالِ

40. Be more tightfisted in questioning
Than one who is miserly with wealth

٤٠. كُن بِالسُؤالِ أَشَدَّ عَقدَ ضَنانَةٍ
مِمَّن يَضِنُّ عَلَيكَ بِالأَموالِ

41. And preserve praise as much as you can for it
Outweighs in measure every other gift

٤١. وَصُنِ المَحامِدَ ما اِستَطَعتَ فَإِنَّها
في الوَزنِ تَرجُحُ بَذلَ كُلِّ نَوالِ

42. And I am amazed by one who bears fruit from their wealth
Yet forgets the adornment of moderation

٤٢. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ مِنَ المُثَمِّرِ مالَهُ
نَسِيَ المُثَمِّرُ زينَةَ الإِقلالِ

43. And if a man wears doubts with his resolve
He takes the path while sitting in misguidance

٤٣. وَإِذا اِمرُؤٌ لَبِسَ الشُكوكَ بِعَزمِهِ
سَلَكَ الطَريقَ عَلى قَعودِ ضَلالِ

44. And if the deceits of events make a call
The deaths of heroes testify for them

٤٤. وَإِذا دَعَت خُدَعُ الحَوادِثِ دَعوَةً
شَهِدَت لَهُنَّ مَصارِعُ الأَبطالِ

45. And if you are tested with spending your face pleading
Then spend it upon the noble and virtuous

٤٥. وَإِذا اِبتُليتَ بِبَذلِ وَجهِكَ سائِلاً
فَاِبذُلهُ لِلمُتَكَرِّمِ المِفاضِلِ

46. And if you fear hardship in a land
Strengthen your hands by promptly moving on

٤٦. وَإِذا خَشيتَ تَعَذُّراً في بَلدَةٍ
فَاِشدُد يَدَيكَ بِعاجِلِ التَرحالِ

47. And be patient with what is not the time for
The relief of adversities is like freeing a tied camel

٤٧. وَاِصبِر عَلى غَيرِ الزَمانِ فَإِنَّما
فَرَجُ الشَدائِدِ مِثلُ حَلِّ عِقالِ