
Tell those who hoard and those who squander,

قل لأهل الإكثار والإقلال

1. Tell those who hoard and those who squander,
You all shall die, whatever your condition.

١. قُل لِأَهلِ الإِكثارِ وَالإِقلالِ
كُلُّكُم مَيِّتٌ عَلى كُلِّ حالِ

2. I see no everlasting one through paucity of wealth,
Nor one persisting through abundance of goods.

٢. ما أَرى خالِداً عَلى قِلَّةِ الما
لِ وَلا باقِياً لِكَثرَةِ مالِ

3. How strange I and my delusion with a house,
Which I will not inhabit forever, nor will it house me forever.

٣. عَجَباً لي وَلِاِغتِراري بِدارٍ
لَستُ أَبقى لَها وَلا تَبقى لي

4. No people came together except on something imperishable for them,
Else they dispersed because of their differences.

٤. ما تَصافى قَومٌ عَلى غَيرِ ذاتِ ال
لَهِ إِلّا تَفَرَّقوا عَن تَقالِ

5. And whenever you wish to be fed with humiliation,
Then cast away what is contained in the hands of men.

٥. وَمَتى شِئتَ أَن تُطَعَّمَ بِالذِل
لِ فَرُم ما حَوَتهُ أَيدي الرِجالِ