
I'm amazed that the keeper of hell sleeps

عجبت للنار نام راهبها

1. I'm amazed that the keeper of hell sleeps
While the seeker of paradise keeps vigil

١. عَجِبتُ لِلنارِ نامَ راهِبُها
وَجَنَّةِ الخُلدِ نامَ راغِبُها

2. I'm amazed that one longs for paradise
Which God has promised to those who seek it

٢. عَجِبتُ لِلجَنَّةِ الَّتي شَوَّقَ الـ
ـلاهُ إِلَيها إِذ نامَ طالِبُها

3. We are lost in the dark love of this life
While the righteous shine like its stars

٣. إِنّا لَفي ظُلمَةٍ مِنَ الحُبِّ لِلـ
ـدُنيا وَأَهلُ التُقى كَواكِبُها

4. One who finds the world too confining
Is constrained by his own ambitions

٤. مَن لَم تَسَعهُ الدُنيا لِبُلغَتِهِ
ضاقَت عَلى نَفسِهِ مَذاهِبُها

5. One who accepts what comes to pass
Sees the earth bow down before him

٥. مَن سامَحَ الحادِثاتِ ذَلَّت لَهُ الـ
ـأَرضُ وَلانَت لَهُ مَناكِبُها

6. A man, as long as he lives, will always
Have needs he strives to satisfy

٦. وَالمَرءُ ما دامَ في الحَياةِ فَلا
يَنفَكُّ مِن حاجَةٍ يُطالِبُها

7. How strange is this world, formed as it is
Praised by the truthful, blamed by its critics

٧. يا عَجَباً لِلدُنيا كَذا خُلِقَت
مادِحُها صادِقٌ وَعائِبُها