
Alas, should man feel safe from fate for long?

ألا أرى للمرء أن يأمن الدهرا

1. Alas, should man feel safe from fate for long?
For in the length of respite lurks deceit.

١. أَلا أَرى لِلمَرءِ أَن يَأمَنَ الدَهرا
فَإِنَّ لَهُ في طولِ مُهلَتِهِ مَكرا

2. How many kings who hoped for immortality
Have you seen swept away by the turns of fate?

٢. فَكَم مِن مُلوكٍ أَمَّلوا أَن يُخَلَّدوا
رَأَيتَ صُروفَ الدَهرِ تَجزُرُهُم جَرا

3. I am afflicted with a house whose sorrows are endless;
I see no recourse but trust in God and patience.

٣. بُليتُ بِدارٍ ما تَقَضّى هُمومُها
فَلَستُ أَرى إِلّا التَوَكُّلَ وَالصَبرا

4. If a day passes with an event, and I say,
"I am safe from its harm," a night brings new trouble.

٤. إِذا ما انقَضى يَومٌ بِأَمرٍ فَقُلتُ قَد
أَمِنتُ أَذاهُ أَحدَثَت لَيلَةٌ أَمرا

5. I love the noble youth who turns his hearing away from vices,
As if to guard himself from each corruption and defect.

٥. أُحِبُّ الفَتى يَنفي الفَواحِشَ سَمعُهُ
كَأَنَّ بِهِ عَن كُلِّ فاحِشَةٍ وَقرا

6. Composed in his feelings, neither refusing bounty,
Nor barring good deeds, nor speaking words of estrangement.

٦. سَليمَ دَواعي الصَدرِ لا باسِطاً يَداً
وَلا مانِعاً خَيراً وَلا قائِلاً هُجرا

7. If a companion slips, make excuses to cover his error;
Seek to be an apologist for his slip.

٧. إِذا ما بَدَت مِن صاحِبٍ لَكَ زَلَّةٌ
فَكُن أَنتَ مُحتالاً لِزَلَّتِهِ عُذرا

8. I see no use in asking people for comfort
By which to soothe hardship and revive ease.

٨. أَرى اليَأسَ مِن أَن تَسأَلَ الناسَ راحَةً
تُميتُ بِها عُسراً وَتُحيِي بِها يُسرا

9. The hand you have accustomed to booty
Will need to be thanked if you wish it to show gratitude.

٩. وَلَيسَت يَدٌ أَولَيتَها بِغَنيمَةٍ
إِذا كُنتَ تَبغي أَن تُعِدَّ لَها شُكرا

10. A man's wealth lies in contendedness to plug his lacks;
If something extra accrues, that wealth becomes poverty.

١٠. غِنى المَرءِ ما يَكفيهِ مِن سَدِّ خَلَّةٍ
فَإِن زادَ شَيئاً عادَ ذاكَ الغِنى فَقرا