1. You are the counterpart and the equal
Excelling on many an occasion
١. أَنتَ المُقابَلُ وَالمُدا
بَرُ في المَناسِبِ وَالعَديدِ
2. Between generality and specificity
Fatherhood and ancestry
٢. بَينَ العُمومَةِ وَالخُؤو
لَةِ وَالأُبُوَّةِ وَالجُدودِ
3. So if you claim descent from my father
You are of celebrated glory
٣. فَإِذا انتَمَيتَ إِلى أَبي
كَ فَأَنتَ في المَجدِ المَشيدِ
4. And if a maternal uncle claims descent
No uncle is nobler than Yazid
٤. وَإِذا انتَمى خالٌ فَما
خالٌ بِأَكرَمَ مِن يَزيدِ