
O you who dye your grey hair with henna to conceal it

يا خاضب الشيب بالحناء تستره

1. O you who dye your grey hair with henna to conceal it
Ask the King to provide you a veil of fire

١. يا خاضِبَ الشَيبِ بِالحِنّاءِ تَستُرهُ
سَلِ المَليكَ لَهُ سَتراً مِنَ النارِ

2. Grey hair will not depart from a house it has afflicted
Until the master of the house departs from it

٢. لَن يَرحَلَ الشَيبُ عَن دارٍ أَلَمَّ بِها
حَتّى يُرَحَّلَ عَنها صاحِبَ الدارِ