
Tell the impervious ice, you have no real firmness or strength,

قل للجليد المنيع لست من الدنيا

1. Tell the impervious ice, you have no real firmness or strength,
O short-lived one, be not heedless of death that severs hopes,

١. قُل لِلجَليدِ المَنيعِ لَستَ مِنَ ال
دُنيا بِذي مِنعَةٍ وَلا جَلَدِ

2. Leave off blaming others and begin to blame the faults within yourself,
O Death, how many you have partnered with loss but they decreased not nor increased,

٢. يا صاحِبَ المُدَّةِ القَصيرَةِ لا
تَغفُل عَنِ المَوتِ قاطِعِ المُدَدِ

3. Death has filled every land and moves from one country to another,

٣. دَع عَنكَ تَقويمَ مَن تُقَوِّمُهُ
وَابدَأ فَقَوِّم ما فيكَ مِن أَوَدِ

٤. يا مَوتُ كَم زائِدٍ قَرَنتَ بِهِ ال
نَقصَ فَلَم يَنتَقِص وَلَم يَزِدِ

٥. قَد مَلَأَ المَوتُ كُلَّ أَرضٍ وَما
يَنزِعُ مِن بَلدَةٍ إِلى بَلَدِ