
How different is fear from safety,

لشتان ما بين المخافة والأمن

1. How different is fear from safety,
And sorrow from ease!

١. لَشَتّانَ ما بَينَ المَخافَةِ وَالأَمنِ
وَشَتّانَ ما بَينَ السُهولَةِ وَالحَزنِ

2. Keep away from this world, or else
It will come to you one day with its calamities.

٢. تَنَزَّه عَنِ الدُنيا وَإِلّا فَإِنَّها
سَتَأتيكَ يَوماً في خَطاطيفِها الحُجنِ

3. When you have gained enough to cover your needs,
Seeking more will lead you to prison.

٣. إِذا حُزتَ ما يَكفيكَ مِن سَدِّ خَلَّةٍ
فَصِرتَ إِلى ما فَوقَهُ صِرتَ في سِجنِ

4. O you who gather wealth, collecting it will suffice you,
And O you who build, what you construct will fall apart.

٤. أَيا جامِعَ الدُنيا سَتَكفيكَ جَمعَها
وَيا بانِيَ الدُنيا سَيَخرَبُ ما تَبني

5. Alas! Whoever must eventually taste death
Will soon truly weep and grieve.

٥. أَلا إِنَّ مَن لا بُدَّ أَن يَطعَمَ الرَدى
وَشيكاً حَقيقٌ بِالبُكاءِ وَبِالحُزنِ

6. I'm amazed when I play heedlessly
That no eye sheds a tear at death's intoxication drawing near.

٦. تَعَجَّبتُ إِذ أَلهو وَلَم أَرَ طَرفَةً
لِعَينِ امرِئٍ مِن سَكرَةِ المَوتِ لا تَدني

7. The days have moments that afflict us
Explicitly telling me of death, not hinting.

٧. وَلِلدَهرِ أَيّامٌ عَلَينا مُلِحَّةٌ
تُصَرِّحُ لي بِالمَوتِ عَنهُنَّ لا تَكني

8. O eye, how much ugliness you've made seem beautiful to me!
Not everything you find attractive is truly beautiful.

٨. أَيا عَينُ كَم حَسَّنتِ لي مِن قَبيحَةٍ
وَما كُلُّ ما تَستَحسِنينَ بِذي حُسنِ

9. It's as if a man was never of use to people for an hour,
When hands withdraw from him for burial.

٩. كَأَنَّ امرَأً لَم يَغنَ في الناسِ ساعَةً
إِذا نُفِضَت عَنهُ الأَكُفُّ مِنَ الدَفنِ

10. Is there anyone longing for Paradise,
Whose soul yearns for it and for Eden?

١٠. أَلا هَل إِلى الفِردَوسِ مِن مُتَشَوِّقٍ
تَحِنُّ إِلَيها نَفسُهُ وَإِلى عَدنِ

11. It does not befit me to delight in a night
I spend with one who wrongs me, nursing hatred.

١١. وَما يَنبَغي لي أَن أُسَرَّ بِلَيلَةٍ
أَبيتُ بِها مِن ظالِمٍ لي عَلى ضِغنِ

12. Whoever's soul is pleasant to me, I accept his nearness,
And whoever dislikes my company, he has ample leeway.

١٢. وَمَن طابَ لي نَفساً بِقُربٍ قَبِلتُهُ
وَمَن ضاقَ عَن قُربي فَفي أَوسَعِ الإِذنِ

13. By your life! No God-fearing, righteous man
Has ever felt cramped - the righteous are in God's care.

١٣. لَعَمرُكَ ما ضاقَ امرُؤٌ بَرَّ وَاتَّقى
فَذو البِرِّ وَالتَقوى مِنَ اللَهِ في ضَمنِ

14. Keep the advising man of reason far from love
If he does not draw near to piety or befriend it.

١٤. وَأَبعِد بِذي رَأيٍ مِنَ الحُبِّ لِلتُقى
إِذا كانَ لا يُقصي عَلَيها وَلا يُدني