1. How many a fool has vexed me with folly,
Yet I calmed myself against him with forbearance,
١. كَم مِن سَفيهٍ غاظَني سَفهاً
فَشَفَيتُ نَفسي مِنهُ بِالحِلمِ
2. And I restrained myself from the wrong of my adversary,
And I granted the choice of my affection in peace.
٢. وَكَفَيتُ نَفسي ظُلمَ عادِيَتي
وَمَنَحتُ صَفوَ مَوَدَّتي سِلمي
3. Truly I was granted harshness against my oppressor,
Yet I had mercy on him when he persisted in wronging me.
٣. وَلَقَد رُزِقتُ لِظالِمي غِلَظاً
وَرَحِمتُهُ إِذ لَجَّ في ظُلمي