
The people's wrongdoing intensified on earth

اشتد بغي الناس في الأرض

1. The people's wrongdoing intensified on earth
And some rose above others

١. اِشتَدَّ بَغيُ الناسِ في الأَرضِ
وَعُلُوُّ بَعضِهِمُ عَلى بَعضِ

2. Leave them and what they chose for themselves
For God judges between His servants

٢. دَعهُم وَما اِختاروا لِأَنفُسِهِم
فَاللَهُ بَينَ عِبادِهِ يَقضي

3. Wondrously, they do not think to comprehend
That the one who remains endures after the one who passes

٣. عَجَباً لَهُم لا يَفكُرونَ فَيَع
تَبِرَ الَّذي يَبقى بِمَن يَمضي