
We ask Allah for what brings satisfaction

نسأل الله بما يقضي الرضى

1. We ask Allah for what brings satisfaction
Allah is enough for me, whatever He decrees

١. نَسأَلُ اللَهَ بِما يَقضي الرِضى
حَسبِيَ اللَهُ فَما شاءَ قَضى

2. We intended, but Allah refused for us
And Allah willed something, so it was done

٢. قَد أَرَدنا فَأبى اللَهُ لَنا
وَأَرادَ اللَهُ شَيئاً فَمَضى

3. How often I tied a firm knot
Then did not wake until it came undone

٣. رُبَّ أَمرٍ بِتُّ قَد أَبرَمتُهُ
ثُمَّ ما أَسبَحتُ حَتّى انتَقَضا

4. So many resolved matters
Left many people stirred up

٤. كَم وَكَم مِن هَنَةٍ مَحقورَةٍ
تَرَكَت قَوماً كَثيراً حَرَضا

5. Lives of past peoples
Existed, then vanished and were gone

٥. رُبَّ عَيشٍ لِأُناسٍ سَلَفوا
كانَ ثُمَّ انقَرَضوا وَانقَرَضا

6. How terrible death is
Whoever we saw died, dispatched away

٦. عَجَباً لِلمَوتِ ما أَفظَعَهُ
مَن رَأَينا ماتَ إِلّا رُفِضا

7. The dead is cast off in his hour
His family abandons him when he's gone

٧. رُفِضَ المَيِّتُ مِن ساعَتِهِ
وَجَفاهُ أَهلُهُ حينَ قَضى

8. The worst of my days is when
I face the world as recompense for my debt

٨. شَرُّ أَيّامي هُوَ اليَومُ الَّذي
أَقبَلُ الدُنيا بِديني عِوَضا