
How strange are those with sharp minds

عجبا لأرباب العقول

1. How strange are those with sharp minds
Yet greedily seek useless things

١. عَجَباً لِأَربابِ العُقولِ
وَالحِرصِ في طَلَبِ الفُضولِ

2. Stripping garments from the weak
And from orphans and the old

٢. سُلّابِ أَكسِيَةِ الأَرا
مِلِ وَاليَتامى وَالكُهولِ

3. Those who gather much dishonesty and fraud
And prefer the abode of departure

٣. وَالجامِعينَ المُكثِري
نَ مِنَ الخِيانَةِ وَالغُلولِ

4. To the eternal abode
They have placed their minds on worldly matters

٤. وَالمُؤثِرينَ لِدارِ رِحلَتِ
هِم عَلى دارِ الحُلولِ

5. At the level of flowing torrents
And are distracted by frivolous pleasures

٥. وَضَعوا عُقولَهُمُ مِنَ الدُ
نيا بِمَدرَجَةِ السيولِ

6. Forgetting the knowledge of principles
They follow the gathering of nonsense

٦. وَلَهَوا بِأَطرافِ الفُرو
عِ وَأَغفَلوا عِلمَ الأُصولِ

7. And abandon the way of the Messenger
They have seen the waves of time

٧. وَتَتَبَّعواجَمعَ الحُطا
مِ وَفارَقوا أَثَرَ الرَسولِ

8. Surging again and again with tyranny

٨. وَلَقَد رَأَوا غيلانَ رَي
بِ الدَهرِ غولاً بَعدَ غولِ