
You have become the imam of guidance through religion, O meaningful one,

إمام الهدى أصبحت بالدين معنيا

1. You have become the imam of guidance through religion, O meaningful one,
And you have become one who quenches the thirst of every rain-seeker.

١. إِمامَ الهُدى أَصبَحتَ بِالدينِ مَعنِيا
وَأَصبَحتَ تَسقي كُلَّ مُستَمطِرٍ رِيّا

2. You have two names derived from integrity and guidance,
So you are the one called righteous and rightly-guiding.

٢. لَكَ اسمانِ شُقّا مِن رَشادٍ وَمِن هُداً
فَأَنتَ الَّذي تُدعى رَشيداً وَمُهدِيّا

3. If you become angry with something, it becomes accursed,
And if you are pleased with something, it becomes pleasing among people.

٣. إِذا ما سَخِطتَ الشَيءَ كانَ مُسَخَّطاً
وَإِن تَرضَ شَيئاً كانَ في الناسِ مَرضِيّا

4. You have spread east and west with the hand of superiority,
So you have expanded the east and expanded the west.

٤. بَسَطتَ لَنا شَرقاً وَغَرباً يَدَ العُلا
فَأَوسَعتَ شَرقِيّاً وَأَوسَعتَ غَربِيّا

5. You have covered the face of the earth with generosity and dew,
So the face of the earth has become covered with generosity.

٥. وَوَشَّيتَ وَجهَ الأَرضِ بِالجودِ وَالنَدى
فَأَصبَحَ وَجهُ الأَرضِ بِالجودِ مَوشِيّا

6. And you are the commander of the faithful, the virtuous youth,
You have spread goodness that was once hidden.

٦. وَأَنتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَتى التُقى
نَشَرتَ مِنَ الإِحسانِ ما كانَ مَطوِيّا

7. God has decreed that Harun keep his kingdom,
And the decree of God among creation became fulfilled.

٧. قَضى اللَهُ أَن يَبقى لِهارونَ مُلكُهُ
وَكانَ قَضاءُ اللَهِ في الخَلقِ مَقضِيّا

8. The world yielded to Harun in contentment,
And taxes for Harun's treasury became obligatory.

٨. تَحَلَّبَتِ لدُنيا لِهارونَ بِالرِضا
وَأَصبَحَ نَقفورٌ لِهارونَ ذِمِّيّا