1. The one with sleeves rolled up came, and his swift horses
He gently spurred on, though they needed no spurring.
١. جاءَ المُشَمِّرُ وَالأَفراسُ يَقدُمُها
هَوناً عَلى رِسلِهِ مِنها وَما اِنبَهَرا
2. The wind he left behind, struggling to keep pace,
As he sped by, drawing all eyes that beheld him.
٢. وَخَلَّفَ الريحَ حَسرى وَهيَ جاهِدَةٌ
وَمَرَّ يَختَطِفُ الأَبصارَ وَالنَظَرا